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Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 6:27-28 - But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

Most of us are in prayers from many years and after being in prayers for long time still most of us love our friends and not our enemies.

If we love only our friends there will be no reward for us because even the unbelievers in the world also do the same. If we are true follower of Jesus Christ then surely we have to love our enemies as we love our friends. 

In this world when we become true followers of Jesus the people who hate us will be more than people who love us. But we have to try our best to to do good to those who hate us and also pray for their conversion of soul. Surely one or the other day the people who hate us will become our good friends.

In today's modern world physical abuse and mental abuse has become very common in our families and the main reason for this is lack of prayers and lack of love.

Today we don't have to search our enemies outside but most of our enemies are inside our families. In some families parents are enemies of their children, in some children are enemies of their parents, in some brothers and sisters are enemies, in some husband and wife are enemies and so on.

When we pray for those who hate us or abuse us or persecute us or misunderstand us or gossip about us it will be act of mercy we will be doing for them. Every act of mercy we do for others is delightful in the eyes of God and He will surely reward us.

Date: 19: 02: 2020.

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