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Thursday, February 20, 2020


Word of God clearly says in SIRACH 4: 28- Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will fight for you.

In today's world people who stand for truth and fight for truth are few and people who stand for lies and fight for lies are many.

Word of God clearly says in many books of the bible that fornication, adultery, homosexuality and abortion is forbidden but the people who stand for this truth according to the Word of God are very few and most of them promote this around them considering it as natural.

Truth cannot be changed or modified according to our needs but we have to change and modify ourself according to the truth and stand for it till our death.

When we take decision to stand and fight for truth we have to know that God Almighty will be fighting the fight along with us and give us victory.

In the past there numerous martyrs who stood for truth till their death. We also have numerous saints who stood and fought for truth even in the time of severe opposition and because of their sacrifice and great commitment to the Lord  we can today proudly say we are Catholics. 

Today truth is slowly perishing in our houses, in our churches and in our neighborhood and because of this many people have lost their Faith in God by looking at the actions of people around them.

Truth cannot be changed even if nobody follows it and lies can be very costly to us at the end of our life even if the entire world follows it.

Date: 20: 02: 2020.

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