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Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 13:24- “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able

We are all called by Jesus to enter into the narrow door. We have to understand that people who are in prayers for long also have failed to enter through the narrow door.

We may wonder what is this narrow door is all about. Narrow door is the only door which leads us to eternal life. Most of us are scared to enter through the narrow door because of the challenges we have to face inside.

The moment we decide to enter through the narrow door , devil and his companions will become active and bring as many temptations, sickness, problems so that our concentration may be on them. Devil and his companions have succeeded in keeping most of them from entering the narrow door.

This is the main reason most of the  people are choosing wide door which leads to destruction and only handpicked few choose narrow door and will not give up in any situation and successfully walk through it.

Most of the people who walk through the wide door reject corrections, argue, defend wrong, believe what they feel right. These people walk proudly on this earth till they reach the door of hell.

Let us all strive to walk through the narrow door no matter how difficult it is, as we practice walking in that road for few years then it will become part of our life. Only way to enter through the narrow door is to carry our daily cross and follow Jesus.

Date: 26: 02: 2020.

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