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Monday, February 24, 2020


Word of God clearly says in JOHN 14: 1 - “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. 

When we are living in this world we should know we have to go through different situations some very good, some good, some bad and some very bad.

When we are going through very good and good situations in our life most of us will be happy and also at peace but when things turn around and become bad and very bad our heart will be troubled all the time.

Main reason for our heart to be troubled is our lack of confidence in God and overconfidence in our abilities. Our abilities will work only when everything is very good or good in our life.

When our situation becomes bad or very bad our abilities will stop working and from there but we will be in desperate need of God's abilities in our life.

We will posses God's abilities when we believe and obey Him only then we will be able to overcome any bad or very bad situation in our life.

Most of us who are having confidence in our abilities when we are going through bad and very bad situations in our life we  instead of praying and believing in God , we try to walk away from God and walk towards indecent chats on social media, pornography, alcohol, drugs, sex and many other things thinking that it will solve our problems but the truth is by doing this we walk  further away from our solutions. 

When our situation is bad, very bad and when our heart is troubled let us make a firm decision to believe in God because God is the only one who  can deliver us out of that situation because He loves us and cares for us and also God will never leave us or forsake us.

Date: 24: 02: 2020.

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