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Friday, February 21, 2020


The time of death will not be the time to prepare ourselves to die well, to die well and happily we must prepare ourselves beforehand- Way and Salvation- Saint ALPHONSUS LIGUORI.

Most of the people think that they can live as they want in this world with errors and always have in their mind that God is merciful but forget most of the time that God is also God of Justice.

When we live as we want and walk day by day closer to our death we will have absolutely no time to give up our bad habits, wrong passions and also attachments towards earthly goods.

We have to understand whatever we have we have to leave it here when we die. We have to leave our friends, relatives, family, children, name, fame, position, property and also all material possession we have.

We have to prepare ourselves everyday for our death so that we may not regret at the time of our death. We may think God is merciful and commit sin but in reality God is merciful for only those who fear Him and after our death He will become God of Justice.

Let us not abuse God's mercy and regret later rather use mercy of God to change ourselves and to discipline ourselves and also to prepare beforehand for our death.

Date: 21: 02: 2020.

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