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Thursday, February 6, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 1 PETER 3:17- For it is better to suffer for doing good, if suffering should be God’s will, than to suffer for doing evil. 

In today's world people who are suffering because of doing evil are more and people who suffer for doing good very few in number.

  We all because of the influence of the world think everything happening around us is right and we without thinking twice we start practicing in our life. When we practice doing right according to the world and wrong according to the Word of God for long then surely we have to go through just suffering for doing evil. 

There are also few who go through suffering after being righteous. They have to go through suffering  so that they may learn to imitate their master Jesus who went through all the suffering and also died on the cross without doing anything wrong. These type of suffering is called unjust suffering. We can see unjust suffering in the life of saints especially in the life of SAINT PADRE PIO and SAINT ALPHONSA.

Those go through just suffering because of doing evil if they are obedient and change then surely they will be journeying from hell to heaven. 
Those who go through unjust suffering and be obedient throughout their suffering they will be richly rewarded by the Lord and also God will use them to bring others to His kingdom.

It is better to go through unjust suffering and suffer according to God's will rather than go through just suffering because of doing evil.

Date: 06: 02: 2020.

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