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Saturday, February 22, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 10:23- Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.

We all are praying everyday for one or the other thing which we require from the hand of God. 

Some of us receive from the hand of God what we pray immediately and most of us are delayed in receiving from the hand of God.

Sometimes God delays in giving according to His plan and when it is delayed most of us instead of being firm in our faith and hope we waver in our faith and hope and become hopeless.

The main reason for our wavering is our lack of belief in the promises of God. Many because of wavering in faith and hope they start reasoning and also questioning God.

God is faithful to His Word always and we have to understand that receiving miracles through others prayer is easy but to receive miracles with our prayers is very difficult.

In today's world people are very lazy to pray in their homes that is why they flock to novenas and retreats. When we pray and receive miracles through our prayers we will become strong in faith and hope and we will stand firm on our belief in God and His promises without wavering according to the situation.

Date : 22: 02: 2020.

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