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Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Word of God clearly says in EPHESIANS 5:1- Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.

We are all called to imitate God in our life. To imitate God we require lots of discipline in our words and deeds. 

We after getting influenced by the people in this world try to imitate and build in ourself desire to become like them. Most of the people try to to imitate rich people or movie stars or sports personality or political personality but those who want to imitate God are very few because it is very uphill task.

When we have to imitate God then we have to know each and everything about God especially about His words and His works. 

Without understanding the Word of God it is impossible to understand about God anything and the best way to learn about God in every single details is through the saints of the past.

Let us examine ourself whether we are imitating God in our life by checking few things.

 Firstly God forgives us every sin of ours whether it is big or small in the same way whether we are forgiving others.
      Secondly God was merciful and patient towards us when we were sinners whether we are merciful and patient about sinners around us. 
           Thirdly God comforted us in our troubles through His Word, whether we are comforting others through our words in their troubles.    
           Fourthly God transformed our life of sin into life of faith, holiness and righteousness in the same way are we transforming others life the same. 

There are still many more we need to do to imitate God these are 4 most important ones. If we are not doing any of these we should be sure that we are not imitating God.

Date: 04: 02: 2020.

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