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Monday, February 10, 2020


“The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – St. John Vianney.

In today's church people who give respect to the priest have become few. Most of them either criticize them or gossip about them and condemn them.

Recently we had a incident of priest comiting suicide and people of that place started condemning parish priest and bishop for the incident and they started to spread hate to such extent that they were speaking through whatsapp audio message about removing the priestly robe of parish priest and bishop.

Truth is we have not chosen priest or bishop  by casting our vote but they have been chosen by God, so we do not have any right to remove them no matter what they do. When they are chosen by God we do not have any right to talk about them. By talking about priest badly will bring us curse instead of blessing.

Before talking badly about the priest, let us examine ourself and see whether we are free from all sin. If we are not free from all sin then we have lost right to speak about others sin.

 All the priest may not be the same some may be Holy, some may be unholy, some may be kind, some may be harsh, some may be compassionate, some may be rude, some behaving very good, some behaving very bad. No matter what they do we do not have any right to condemn or criticize them in public but we need to talk with them one to one and sort it in secret.

Some Catholics are so senseless that they condemn priest and religious on media thinking that they will become famous but the truth is they will inherit curse for speaking badly about the anointed of the lord.

Let us from today make serious effort to pray for priests we know and also love them as they are and also see in them Lord Jesus.

Date: 10: 02: 2020.

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