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Saturday, February 8, 2020


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 28: 27- Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but one who turns a blind eye will get many a curse.

We all may be very good in asking Lord one or the other thing but most of us very bad in giving.

We have to examine ourself and see how many times we have passed by poor people on the road or near the church or near our house and walked away without giving anything when we had.

Only if our heart is generous we will be able to give to the poor. Whenever we see the poor our heart speaks with our mind to give something even if it is little. The person who is poor and needy for him the little we give will become everything.

Most of us have money to buy expensive things to our children, we have money to celebrate the occasion,  We have money to buy expensive gifts,we have money to buy unwanted things but we don't have money to give to the poor, this displays our selfishness. More we are selfish more we will be far from the Lord.

We have to understand when we are generous to the poor surely God will reward us and also we will lack nothing in our life. When we act like a blind person when we see a poor or needy we instead of getting blessing we receive curse.

Being generous to the poor and the needy will always bring us joy and also  we will have satisfaction when we give to those who cannot give us back.

In today's church most of the people act fake and help others when they are in need and ask back the money the moment they get job. These type of people are hypocrites and also like unbelievers.

Let us practice giving with cheerful heart in whatever small way we can and when we practice giving our heart will cultivate the fruit of Generosity in abundance.

Date: 08: 02: 2020.

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