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Tuesday, February 11, 2020


“Hear the other side.”-- SAINT AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO.

In this world today we see many people who come to church regularly and also those who come once in a while make opinion about others by listening to one side of the story.

Most of them do not even understand that there is only half truth in one side of the story and if we really want to know the whole truth then we have to listen to the other side of the story.

In today's world people just passing time on social media by speaking badly about others without knowing the whole truth and also commenting badly on things they don't like only because they do not understand.

Those who listen to one side of the story always make rash decision and also judge others badly. 

When we spread rumors listening to someone and  if there is no truth in that then we will be responsible for all the damage done to the person or organization.

We have to be careful and should not act hastily without knowing full truth or else we may look like fools if we spread lies as truth.

We have to understand because of listening to the one side of the story many relationships between husband and wife, brothers and sisters, parents and children and many more are ruined.

Let us be attentive to everything others share with us directly or on social media we have to see if it is helpful in building others then surely we can share with others and if it is exposing or destroying others reputation then we should cut it off then and there so that it will not spread.

11: 02: 2020.

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