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Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Word of God clearly says in ROMANS 7: 19- For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.

We all want to be good and do good but most of us become bad  and do do bad because of this many of us wonder about the reason behind this.

The main reason behind this is sin. When we are committing sins after being in prayer and when we give our consent to sin that sin will take control of our life and make us do things we do not want to do.

When we do things that we do not want to do then we should understand that it is not we who are doing bad but the sin which is inside of us.

We have to get rid of that sin to do what we want to do. To get rid of that sin we have to treat that sin as our enemy but the real truth is most of us make sin our friend. 

God has promised us to deliver us from our enemies and not our friends.

Most of us are attracted towards sin because of the pleasure in it. More we are into it more we are in want of it. This path if we walk for long then surely destruction is going to come upon us.

Just by saying prayers one cannot become strong but by obeying the Lord surely we will. 
Let treat every sin big and small the same way so that we may grow in alertness. Let us try our level best to good and ask Lord help when we are doing bad.

Date: 12: 02: 2020.

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