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Wednesday, February 5, 2020


To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often. -Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman.

We are all in prayers in different levels of faith, some are infants (beginners), some are youth( half way) and only few are adults ( mature) in prayer.

Question we have to ask ourselves is not which category of faith we belong but how much we have changed.

People who belong to infant faith think they know everything when they know little and stumble very badly because of speaking to others the things they do not know. When these people stumble most of the people do not rise up quickly but only few rise up quickly will change for good and move forward to the next level, rest quit prayer thinking that it is not for them.

People who belong to youth faith know  more than infants and they try use their knowledge to impress others rather than using it for their own change and because of this they change a little and after a while stumble and start all over again. When they catch up with the same situation again and again some succeed towards higher journey of mature faith and rest quit and reach to the infant level.

People who belong to adult or mature faith are those who have learnt to fight the battle and have become victorious. Only people who are mature in faith try to change themselves not in one area but many areas of their life and try to become perfect.

To change one wrong thing might be easy for us but to change hundred wrong in us will be uphill task. We have to seek help of God who is100% perfect. Only with help of God we can reach perfection in everything we say or we do in our life.

Date: 05: 02: 2020.

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