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Friday, February 14, 2020


“We will either accuse ourselves or excuse ourselves.” -St. John Vianney.

In today's world sin is becoming fashionable because majority of the people are in it and most of them think that when others can do then we can also surely do.

That's why most of the people do bad things after coming to church regularly and hide their bad deeds till God exposes one day.

Some of them who come to church regularly do things which even the unbelievers won't do.

This all happens because of excusing ourselves when we are doing wrong. We excuse ourself mostly because we think we know everything or we think we are weak and commit small errors and excuse ourself. This excuse will lead us one day to the biggest error of our life which can be very costly for us.

When we accuse ourself for doing wrong and for hurting our loving God surely we will change ourself from sin to righteousness. 

We have to understand that God has given us freewill to do good or bad. God will never stop us from doing bad but it is we who have to stop by accusing ourself about the wrong we have done and repent for the same.

When we accuse ourself of every wrong we have done and go regularly for confession and try our best to give up then surely we will be walking towards our final destination that is heaven.

When we excuse ourself we will be living with errors and walking towards our final destination that is hell or purgatory. 

We have to stop excusing ourselves and start accusing ourself for the sin we have committed and change for better.

Date: 14: 02: 2020.

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