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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Psalm 46:1 - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.


God is our only refuge and strength when we are going through failures or crisis or problems or job loss and so on. In today’s world whenever we go through any problems the first one to know is our friends and relatives. We share problems with our close ones expecting solutions from them. But the truth is we will be wasting our time explaining the problem again and again till we get fed up.


For example when we are walking on the road when we see the accident and stop there to watch, we can see all the people who pass by will ask us what happened and if we explain one person the full incident before he leaves another will ask the same and if we do not decide to leave the place quickly then surely we may get fed up and also angry. In the same way when we are going through any problems, if we explain it to God once, He will surely solve our problems and if we without approaching Him if we approach all the known people then we have to explain our problem each one of them separately and they will listen to everything and ignore us and out of them some will gossip and make our problems known to all our neighbours and also to many in our parish.


People are very curious to know every single detail of our problem to make us feel that they will help us but the truth is they will listen and show false pity and walk away. God is the only one who is very much interested to solve our problems because He loves and cares for us. Whenever we are in problems let us before opening our mouth with others let us speak about it with God first and if not immediately surely He will speak to our heart and provide us solutions in time. After receiving the solutions let us not again walk away from God instead let us make our relationship with God stronger every day.


God has designed every Word of His to bring us consolation when we suffer, solutions when we are problems, health when we are going through sickness, success when we are going through failures. The question we have to ask ourselves is whether we recite Word of God every day unconditionally or read it only after we experience series of problems. If we are in the Habit of reciting the Word of God every day before the problem begins then surely God will save us from falling into pits set by the devil. If we are not in habit of reading Word of God everyday one or the other day we will fall into the pit set by the devil.


Date: 01: 11: 2020.

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