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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


Allow no pride to dwell in you, but prove yourself so humble and lowly that all may walk over you and trample upon you as dust in the streets!--Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.


Pride makes man to always to demand respect from others. If someone disrespects them immediately their anger will be kindled and they will abuse the person who disrespected them with abusive language.


Humility does not worry whether we are respected by others or not but we will respect everyone the same. If someone speaks abusive words we will be silent and listen and offer the same to the Lord.


People with pride cannot deal with small problems and that’s why they end their life in suicide. People with humility will seek God’s help and overcome every problem big and small.


People with pride cannot go through persecutions, trials, sickness, and problems joyfully and that is why we see people with pride always complaining about their problem.


People who are humble will be able to endure every persecution, trials, sickness and problems with joy so that through it God is surely going to reward them.


People who are having pride are not ready to become small in front of others that is why they try to fight so that they remain big. People who are humble will be able to make themselves so low even if they are powerful so that God will surely exalt them and take them to that height so that all people will be amazed.


God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble, let us commit ourselves to the Lord and surrender our pride to Him and ask His help to become humble so that in due season God will surely remember us and exalt us. When we exalt ourselves God can bring us down and make us humble and when God exalts us nobody can bring us down except us if we walk away from God.



Date: 11: 11: 2020.

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