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Friday, November 13, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Acts 24:16 - Therefore I do my best always to have a clear conscience toward God and all people.


We all are in prayers from few months or few years but the real question we need to ask ourselves is whether we have developed clear conscience or our conscience is corrupted.


We have to understand the meaning of conscience to know whether we have clear conscience or corrupted conscience. Conscience is moral sense of doing right or wrong and also it is used to guide our behaviour.


We all have corrupted conscience because of the influence of the world or our flesh and we can make our conscience clear only by being in fellowship with the Word of God daily and practicing to live according to it.


If our conscience is clear with God then surely our conscience will be clear with people or else we will be having a deceiving nature which others will know so easily but only we know.


If our conscience is corrupted no matter if we go to church daily or pray daily we do not feel bad when we have done wrong and also we do not feel like apologising for the wrong we have done and also we will always highlight others wrongdoings and hide ours.


If our conscience is clear then we will realize that we have done wrong and we will get reconciled with God through sacrament of confession and with people personally or through phone.


Let us examine ourselves and see whether our conscience is clear or corrupted, if our conscience is corrupted then let us make effort to read the bible, memorize the Word of God and also try our level best to live according to the Word of God so that our corrupted will become clear and when our conscience is clear, we can clearly see the wrong we are doing and do our best to stop doing it and start doing right according to the Word of God.



Date: 13: 11: 2020.

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