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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



 O Holy virgin, who next to Jesus, art my help and counsel, I most gratefully thank thee for the instructions thou has been pleased to give me - Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose.




Mother Mary is our mother given to us by Jesus when He was on the Cross. Jesus said to Apostle John ‘This is your mother by saying that He gave His mother to the apostle and from apostle to all the Christians in the world.


Mother Mary is not an ordinary woman as many other denominations preach but she is an extraordinary woman full of Grace. Full of grace means without sin. Mother Mary is blessed among all women who were from the beginning of the creation, who are now and also those who are going to be in future till the end of age.


In today’s modern world we have quality preachers whose prayers are very powerful and that is the reason why we can see people flocking there to receive healing, miracles and deliverance but there is not a single preacher who is full of grace. If their prayers are so powerful then how much more powerful the prayer of Mother Mary is.


Let us ask Mother Mary’s intercession in all our urgent and difficult situations so that we can be sure of receiving solutions. We have to know that from the beginning Mother Mary’s intercession has never failed and will never fail. She will also give us guidance to come closer to her son Jesus.


No matter how powerful she is but still she is a role model for humility and never takes any credit for anything but when people give thanks to her she will accept that thanks and offer it to her Son Jesus and Jesus will offer it to the Father.


Most of the saints in their difficult times had recourse to Mother Mary and she has prayed for them and granted all the favours by praying to her beloved Son Jesus who is always next to her.


Mother Mary is highly favoured one of God that us why God listens to her more than us.

Let us run to our mother in all our needs without falling into fear, confusion and depression, she will surely talk to us and tell us what to do and also she will plead with Jesus on behalf of us again and again till Jesus gives us the grace we need most.



Date: 04: 11: 2020.

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