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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Matthew 6:34 - So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.


We are all having loads of worries of tomorrow in our life and because of this we are not able live a life of freedom and victory destined to us by Jesus.


Worry is a result of lack of knowledge and also because of not having relationship with God. When everything is going on well in our life everyone look like warrior and suddenly when we are caught up with problems we get depressed fast.


Worry will always make us think more about tomorrow and because of that we will not be able to pray well today and because of not praying well today , tomorrows problem will not become less but more.


By worrying we cannot achieve anything in our life; worry will only waste our precious time which we could have wisely used in prayer. Devil knows that we cannot concentrate on prayers when we are worried that is why he will again and again shift our focus on things which are not important and also on our problems. When we shift our focus on problems no matter how small is our problem it will look like a big mountain.


Let us focus on the Word of God all the time when we are in midst of problems so that Word of God will provide us victory over every problems big or small. Let us not worry about tomorrow and lose our peace today and allow devil and his companions to enter our life to steal, kill and destroy.


God’s word is the only solution we have in midst of our problems, that is why we have to be alert and increase our focus on His word and let us not worry about things happening around us then surely God will turn around everything to our favour for obeying His Word.


God will be always standing by our side and watch us fight our battles and He will provide us grace and strength so that we will surely win the battle. God requires from us faith, courage and calmness so that He can turn everything to our favour. Let us trust in God who is our only provider and let us live joyfully today and let us not worry about tomorrow.



Date: 07: 11: 2020.

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