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Friday, November 6, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



You will be consoled according to the greatness of your sorrow and affliction; the greater the suffering, the greater will be the reward. --Sant Mary Magdalen de'Pazzi


We are all going to go through sufferings in our life either today or in the days to come. For most of us suffering has started suddenly because of pandemic through job loss or family problem or financial problem or health problem.


No matter what we are going through we have to thank Jesus for allowing it in our life so that through it something good is going to spring out from our life. Suffering is nothing but purification process in our life, if we are purified when we are living, we do not have to worry about purification which will happen after our death. Few blessed ones get opportunity to get purified from their sinful life when they are living and because of that opportunity they are saved and their family is saved and also thousands of people who listen to them are saved.


If a person is unwilling to go through sufferings and says I love you Jesus , then that person is a liar because Jesus said in His Word that whoever wants to become my disciple has to deny themselves and carry their cross and follow Him. Cross Jesus is mentioning is nothing but suffering.


Sometimes pain in our life mounts so much that we think we are going to perish but Jesus is by our side and gives us strength to bear the pain and also consoles us through His Word. In midst of suffering if we are not having habit of reading Bible then we are going to pierce ourselves with unbearable pain.


We have to understand that every suffering coming in our life if we try to bear it with our human strength we will surely fail, if we seek God’s strength through His Word then surely we will be able to go through it joyfully.


Suffering coming in our life may be of low degree or high degree according to the purpose and plan God has for us. Greater the plan of God for us, greater will be our suffering, greater the suffering, greater will be our reward.


God has designed human beings in such a way that they can bear more pain than pleasure, that’s why God allows suffering in our life to make our life meaningful and great. We may be ordinary people before the suffering but if we accept the suffering and bear the pain with joy then surely we will become someone great and blessed only because of God’s doing in our life.



Date: 06: 11: 2020.

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