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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


”He who always acts under obedience may be assured that he will not have to give an account of his actions to God.”
Saint Philip Neri.


In the Spiritual world praying is very easy ,most of us manage to pray a little or more but when it comes to obedience we are all far behind.


Obedience is very important for us to grow in our spiritual life. If we love Jesus then surely we will try our best to obey Him. Obedience to the Word of God should not be done because we are in problems but we have to obey because we love God.

Obedience to the Word of God is not easy as we think but as we practice it without quitting the prayer it will become easy one day.


Let us understand that disobedience to the Word of God will make every easy situation impossible to overcome in the same way obedience to the Word of God will make every impossible situation easy to overcome in our life.


Obedience to the Word of God will make our life meaningful and also powerful and when we obey the Word God no weapon formed by evil or people against us will never prosper but lose its power before it begins.


God’s help in our life increases when we obey Him. When we stand for Him in adverse situations He will reward us. God knows our heart and its intention very clearly and according to that only He will bless us. 


People look at our outward appearance and get deceived but God looks at our heart. Let us first read the Word of God to be thorough with it and once we are thorough with it let us learn to practice it. Once we learn to practice it then we will learn to obey and once we learn to obey then we will learn to grow.


God’s Word is so powerful and it can destroy enemy’s power, it will also destroy all strongholds we have and also save us from all the traps and obstacles set by the enemy. Let us cultivate a good habit of obeying the Word of God not because of compulsion but because we love God.


Date: 14: 11: 2020.

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