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Monday, November 16, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


“A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God.” --Saint Faustina.


We are all taught by the world to put our confidence in us but we can put our confidence on us only when everything is going according our plan. When something goes wrong terribly either because of wrong decisions taken or because believing in our instincts or because of our overconfidence then our confidence is broken into pieces.


When our confidence is broken into pieces we will fall into fear, confusion, oppression and depression because we do not know the way to come out of our crisis, many try their level best to humble themselves and seek the help of God and others cannot digest it that’s why they end their life by committing suicide.


Let us not put our confidence in our education or job or skills or experience so that through it we may not become proud of ourselves and start boasting about our achievements with others. We need to know that all the credit goes to God for every success we had because He has kept us in good health. If our health had failed or if we were disabled we would not have achieved anything great.


Let us always put our trust in God and His Word so that we will grow in humility. God works everything in our life with definite purpose and plan and we cannot reach to His plan and purpose without putting our complete trust in Him and His Word.


Let us ask God everyday to uproot every pride we have so that we may become humble. When we become humble no matter how successful we become still we will depend on God for every important decision we have to make and also we will depend on His Grace and providence.


God always exalts every humble person to the height that person never expected in the same way the person with pride will be made humble through various situations coming in their life.


Date: 16: 11: 2020.

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