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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Psalm 23:4 - Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff— they comfort me.


When we come to prayers, we are going to be introduced to our enemy that is devil so that God will teach us to fight our daily battles and also to be victorious.


Many a times there will storms raging against our life may be in the form of financial problems or family problems or health problems or neighbours problems or persecutions or false accusations and so on. When we are going through all these situations we have to be close to the Lord through His Word or else there is a great danger of us going astray.


God’s Word has built in power to destroy all the works of the enemy and also break all the strongholds of our life. Fear is the greatest tool of the devil uses to make us think that we are going to live with the particular situation for rest of our life. Many have believed in the lies of the devil and made problems, sickness part of their life.


Many who are having fear give up before the battle begins. Many will become coward instead of becoming courageous. Most of us who are going through punishment for the past sins will be living in fear and once we are set free from fear our life of faith grows or else we will like the farmer who sows the seed and uproot the harvest before time and again do the same.

God’s Word is the only confidence we have in midst of all fear we have. We have to involve ourselves more in the Word of God so that all the fear in us may be destroyed or else all the faith inside us will be destroyed because of fear.


Let us recite, memorize the Word of God everyday no matter whether we are in problem or not so that we may live with our redeemer everyday instead of partnering with the devil and get destroyed.


Date: 12: 11: 2020.

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