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Monday, November 2, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



 “If it were but known how great is the power of the good souls in Purgatory with the Heart of God, and if we knew all the graces we can obtain through their intercession, they would not be so much forgotten. We must, therefore, pray much for them, that they may pray much for us.”Saint John Vianney.


We are all given equal opportunity in this world to speak good and also to do good but the truth is because of our selfish nature we have missed most of the opportunities given to us. We also have to been given the equal opportunities to conduct our life well but because of not thinking of the final goal that is heaven most of us have failed to do well.


We all because of failing to live well in midst of perverse and corrupt world we have to pass through the fire to make it to heaven one day. We all have to understand that we are given chance to repent for our sins when we are living on this earth, if we do not take it seriously then we may live a life full of errors.


When we live a life full of errors then surely on the judgement day we may face judgement either hell or purgatory. If we make it to hell then we will be burning in the fire eternally. If we make it to purgatory then we will have hope that one day we will make it to heaven.


Souls in purgatory are called holy souls because they lived a life pleasing to God and most importantly they died in the state of Grace. If a soul dies in a state of grace then surely for all the small sins the soul have be purified in the fire of purgatory before they get to heaven, because no soul with even the smallest stain of sin will be allowed to enter heaven.


When a soul enters the purification process in purgatory they cannot pray for themselves so that they go to heaven as fast as they can but these holy souls are dependent on heaven and also on our prayers.


In today’s world most of the people live in this world like they are in purgatory, that’s why they do not pray and are dependent on others prayer and when this attitude continues then how we can expect someone to leave all his personal problems and at least pray for 10 minutes every day the prayer for the souls in purgatory so that they may go to heaven and in return pray for us and also welcome us when we go to heaven.


As we are celebrate all souls day today, let us make a commitment to pray for all the holy souls in purgatory so that we may get their help of prayer once they reach heaven when we need the most.


Let us everyday pray the prayer given to saint Gertrude by Jesus in the 13th century which will empty 1000 souls each time we recite in the state of Grace.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.



Date: 02: 11: 2020.

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