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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto



Word of God clearly says in John 14:6 - Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


Jesus is the only way we have in this broken and wounded world. If we do not make Jesus as our way then surely there is a possibility that we may lose the way which will lead us to the wrong destination.


We cannot make Jesus our way without making His Word part of our life. Most of us have still not made Word of God part of our life hence we don’t know whether we are heading towards right direction or wrong direction.

If Jesus is the way in our life then surely His truth will make dwelling place in us and because of that His life will flow inside us. When His life flow inside us there will be a life changing experience which will not only change our life but also the life of others through us.


Jesus way, truth and life is so powerful hence it cannot stay with us but we will be on fire for God to share with others. If we do not practice the Word of God in our daily lives then we cannot walk on the way Jesus has destined for us.


Most of us because of reasoning, confusion and doubt instead of walking closer to God we will be walking away from God.


We have to know the complete truth or else we will be having doubts about it and most of us will be living with doubts for rest of their life without making effort to dig into the Word of God and come closer to the truth. If we are able to come closer to the truth then surely devil and his companions cannot deceive us and take us on a journey not destined by God for us.


Let us understand Jesus Word is like oxygen to our soul. If we do not supply enough oxygen everyday to our soul it will die spiritually and because it will grow worldly.


Jesus is the only way, truth and life for us. If we accept Him with all our heart then surely He will lead us to the safest and beautiful destination that is in heaven prepared by him beforehand.



Date: 15: 11: 2020.

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