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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 - Do not despise the words of prophets, but test everything; hold fast to what is good.


We are living in the modern world where people are doing their own things and most of the time they will not listen to the prophets of God.


God’s prophets are of different kinds, first one are the self proclaimed prophets because of someone in their family is a prophet or because they are connected to a prophet. Second ones are the prophets chosen by God to do His mission.


Self proclaimed prophets are very dangerous because of doing things which pleases people and not God. They teach people about health, money and things of the world and they never tell people the wrong they are doing and also about suffering which leads us to heaven.


People will listen to self proclaimed prophets more because they will get them the benefits in the world. Many a times self proclaimed prophets will give wrong messages which people accept and make their life a mess. That is why whenever we pray for people the first thing they ask is whether there is any message for them. Self proclaimed prophets always lead people to them and make them dependent on them rather than Jesus.


Prophets chosen by God will always lead people to Jesus. Prophets chosen by God always help people to go through their sufferings so that suffering will bring merit to their life. Prophets chosen by God may not be accurate all the time, sometimes they can do mistakes.


For example King David asks Prophet Nathan that he wants to build the temple of the Lord, Prophet Nathan says to King David do as it pleases you and goes and that day King David plans how to build the temple for the Lord, But the Word of the Lord came to Prophet Nathan at night and God said to him that because King David shed blood in the wars he is not the one to build temple for him, because prophet Nathan was a good prophet he goes again to King  David and gives Him the message of God, King David obeys the message and pass on the responsibility of build the temple for the Lord  to his son Solomon.


Prophets may give Word pleasing or displeasing to us but we have to see the truth in that Word and see whether it is according to the Word of God. If it is according to the Word of God only we need to accept it and if it is not according to the Word of God then we need to ignore it. Messages come from 3 sources 1. Holy Spirit 2. Human Spirit and 3. Evil spirit. We have to discern and see from which spirit message has come and accept messages by Holy Spirit only which will benefit us.



Date: 05: 11: 2020.

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