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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Romans 1:26-27 - For this reason God gave them up to degrading passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error.


In today’s world people are practicing everything which is contrary to the Word of God and all governments and organisations are coming to their support by legalizing it.


Homosexuality is one of the errors which is increasing in our society and everyone thinks that everyone is doing so that we can also do. If the Word of God is saying that homosexuality is wrong no matter who says it is right it doesn’t matter. What matters for us is what God is saying.


Many people are saying that homosexuals are to loved, its right we have to love them and we have to explain to them the wrong they are doing. God never condemns sinner but surely He condemns sin in the same way we are to love the sinner but we have to condemn the sin they are doing. By doing that we are going to save them from punishment due. God has clearly said in His Word that He has allowed men to go behind men and women to go behind women so that He can punish them for their sins.


In today’s world many governments have legalized homosexuality so that everyone may practice it openly without any shame. No person no matter how powerful he or she is cannot say everything which is wrong according to the Word of God as right. If they do so they have to wait eagerly for the dreadful judgement coming against them.


If any person commits sin of homosexuality and keeps it for himself or herself they will receive due penalty for their errors. In the same way if any religious leaders or political leaders or celebrities promoting homosexuality then they will be responsible for the sins of all who follow them.


Let us not follow any country or leaders or celebrities but only the Word of God so that we may walk towards the path of heaven. If the entire world says everything is right which is wrong according to the Word of God then the entire world will be wrong and only God alone will be right.


We cannot change the truth which is written in Bible but we have to change ourselves according to the Word of God. There is increase in wickedness in today’s world that’s why we are all going through this pandemic so that through it many may be purified but the reality is most of them have rejected the truth and have decided to walk in errors so that they are preparing themselves for something more deadly and dangerous to happen.


Let us give education of homosexuality to our children when they are of right age so that they may know it’s wrong and they may not go behind it and get punished.


Date: 10: 11: 2020.

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