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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


"We must love our neighbour as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love."--Saint Vincent de Paul.


We are living in this corrupt world where we are taught to love those whom we like and hate those who hate us. We most of the times do the same thing we have learnt in this world.


Jesus clearly says love your enemies, pray for those who persecute us and bless those who hate us. We have to analyze and check in our lives whether we are doing the same. Truth is for most of us the answer will come No.


It’s very easy to deal with friends but it is very difficult to deal with the enemies because they planning and plotting all the time to bring us down.


We many a times have disagreements regarding different things which is happening in our life. Parents have disagreement with children, husband with wife, employee with employer, believers with unbelievers and so on.


When we do not agree with them regarding different things it is not possible for us to love them. Best way to avoid all arguments is to act like you do not know anything about that matter and walk away.


Disagreements, quarrel, division arises from our flesh and hence those who live in the flesh do not accept corrections because of ego and pride coming in between. They know they are wrong but still they argue and say that we are wrong.


We all have to make effort to avoid all disagreements, anger, quarrels, arguments, division instead we have to grow in Love, faith, patience and courage.


Whenever we love others as God has commanded us our prayer life will become powerful and also because of our love, we can bring others to the Lord.


God is love and without having love within us we are nothing even if have greatest faith. God’s love for us we have seen in sacrificing His only son for our salvation. Let us love everyone with pure motive.


In today’s love has lost its value and meaning of love is twisted by the people from olden days and people have read it and are following it blindly without even knowing whether it is right or wrong. Love is connected to pleasure in this world but according to the Word of God Love doesn’t have to do anything with pleasure but with pain.


Jesus died for us painful death because He loved us. We have to ask ourselves whether we are ready to bear pain for the sake of others. If God asks this question to us immediately we will answer no. We say No because of our selfish nature.


Date: 08: 11: 2020.

1 comment:

  1. JESUS OVERCOME THE MONEY SYSTEM. He was in debts --a debt slave, and went as gods son through the hell--from his father he get MONEY 2000years ago and stand RICH. THE RESSURECTION as a teacher, magician and saviour of the TRUTH
