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Friday, January 31, 2020


Occupy your minds with good thoughts, or the enemy will fill them with bad ones. Unoccupied, they cannot be-- SAINT THOMAS MOORE.

In today's world because of the influence of media most of the people occupy their minds with bad thoughts about greed, lust, violence, revenge, fear, worry and many other things which is contrary to the Word of God.

When we fill our minds with all this wrong thoughts surely we will be partnering with the devil and walking in the path of destruction. Wrong thoughts will also connect us to wrong people and wrong places which will become hard to overcome if we live with it for long.

When we occupy our mind with good thoughts about God, His love, His sacrifice, His Death for us, His resurrection which is according to the Word of God then surely we will be walking in way of life. Without reading the Holy Bible, without receiving sacraments frequently, without memorizing the Word of God we will not be successful in filling our minds with good and pure thoughts.

Our life is controlled by our thoughts. If our thoughts are good, our words will be good and also our deeds will be good. If our thoughts are bad, our words will be bad and also our deeds will be bad.

We after being bad can act as good but only for a short time and our reality will be exposed when we are facing adverse situation or when someone persecute us or speak badly about us.

Date: 31: 01: 2020.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Yet you do not even know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes-- JAMES 4:14.

We as humans make many errors and one of the biggest errors we make is  planning for next 5 years or 10 years without even knowing whether we are going to wake up next day or not.

We have to understand that death can knock any person's door anytime and the moment we die all our plans for the future also will go to the grave with us.

We have to learn to live moment by moment and give thanks to God Almighty all the time for giving us more time to live on this earth.

We have to know that our earthly life is temporary and after our death our life is permanent with God in heaven. We cannot plan too much for temporary life but we have to plan now to live a life of holiness and righteousness to enter permanent life with God.

Some get sick suddenly and die, some die after suffering from sickness for long, some die suddenly in calamities( earthquake, flood, fire, Tsunami, hurricane, epidemics,famine, war etc) some die suddenly in accidents, some die in their sleep and through various reasons. Nobody can plan everything in this world thinking that they are going to stay permanently here.

Let us be happy and thankful for what we have rather than crying for what we don't have because we do not have any idea what tomorrow will bring in our life.

Date: 30: 01: 2020.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


We should not accept in silence the benefactions of God, but return thanks for them-- SAINT BASIL THE GREAT.

In today's world people flock in for novenas, retreats and many other anointed places receive blessings, miracles and favor of God in their life and walk away silently without thanking God.

Thanking God has become very rare among the people and that is the main reason some experience 1 to 3 miracles and after that miracles dry up in their life.

Whatever God does openly in front of the congregation we feel ashamed many a times to give thanks to the Lord in front of the congregation by sharing our testimony.

We have to thank God for everything He has done in our life through sharing our testimony with others around us. If we keep silent then we will surely miss great miracles from God. God doesn't want to stop what He is doing in our life but we stop Him by becoming ungrateful.

Thanksgiving before the miracle and after the miracle is a very important to show our love and gratitude towards our creator for receiving each and every good things from His hand.

Date: 29:01:2020.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 13:4- Let marriage be held in honor by all, and let the marriage bed be kept undefiled; for God will judge fornicators and adulterers. 

Marriage is not the ceremony which will happen again and again in our life but marriage is a Holy sacrament which man and woman receive at the Alter once in a lifetime.

Most of the people take marriage for granted and for silly reasons they break the marriage as they are break friendship with others.

Marriage is not a contract we can break anytime but it is a lifetime covenant between God,  man and woman and that covenant will break only when one life partner dies.

We may think marriage is the bed of roses but in reality it is the cross of each other we have to carry  for a destined period of time till we reach Calvary. Once we reach there then the understanding, love and forgiveness for each other grows strong.

Without prayer and making Jesus center of our marriage it will not last for long. Without both the life partners being in prayer marriage cannot become great example for others around us.

Today because of domestic violence, misunderstanding, ego, alcoholism,wrong advice and interference of others, many marriages are breaking as fast as few days or few months or few years.

Jesus has clearly given us instruction that we cannot divorce our spouse for any reason other than unchastity (adultery). When we divorce our spouse for other reasons and live with other man or woman we are committing adultery.

Those who commit fornication before marriage or adultery after marriage will be judged by God. It is better to get married in front of the Alter and live a Holy life rather than running to satisfy our lust and be destroyed.

Those who commit fornication or adultery live daily in danger of going to hell. We have to confess that sin and give up because none of us know when death will knock at our door.

Date: 28: 01: 2020.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Word of God clearly says in COLOSSIANS 4:2- Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.

God's word calls each and everyone of us who are living in this world to devote ourself in prayer. Prayer is not the possession of priests, nuns and religious but prayer is the possession of all who are living in this world.

Only through prayer we will be revealed by God our mistakes and prayer will help us to lead a Holy life. We have to understand that without we praying for ourself or others praying for us it is impossible for us to be saved. 

Most of us have habit of praying when we are happy but we have to develop a new habit of praying daily even  if are sad or angry or rebellious or depressed or going through temptations or Unforgiveness or hatredness or any other things. No matter what we are going through without prayer it is impossible to be victorious over everything we are going through.

When we are in prayers we have to be alert all the time or else we may go astray within no time.

Devil always comes to the weakest to the strongest with many temptations especially temptations of impurity and succeeds in tempting many who are weak and also strong in Faith. Sin of impurity is the sin against our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 
Many anointed people's anointing is destroyed because of falling into sin of impurity.

We have to thank God in the time of our affliction and also in the time of our victory. Without thanking God in all situation we cannot be victorious. 

It is good for us to thank God in all we suffer and be victorious instead of complaining and grumbling and be defeated by the devil.

Date: 27: 01: 2020.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


“Love God, serve God; everything is in that.”
-St. Clare of Assisi.

We are all very busy in this world working for our daily life and most of them think we are created only to work, eat, drink and enjoy. When we are in this habit then surely we will be walking towards destruction and at the end of our life if we analyze whatever we did all our life, it clearly shows us that we were chasing vanity.

When we were infant and were baptized we have become missionaries of God. we were created by God to know Him , to love Him and to serve Him.

Knowing, loving and serving goes step by step in our life. 

Firstly we have to know Him and without reading the Word of God it is not possible to know God. As we commit ourselves to read Word of God everyday after few years we will come to know God little by little. No matter how much we try  to know Him completely whatever God reveals to us is only what we can know about Him.

Secondly to love Him, without knowing someone in person it is next to impossible to love. More we know God more we will love Him. Loving Him doesn't mean doing ministry work or singing songs or reading or volunteering or becoming lay ministers in the church. Loving the Lord means obeying His commandments no matter how difficult it is.

Without obeying God it is not possible to serve Him. Serving Him means proclaiming His Word and converting souls. Today's preacher's  some are preaching people about things they want to hear and not what God wants to say through them that is why we see people getting healed or getting job or getting rich or getting famous but we see very few who have experienced conversion of soul. 

When we serve God most important thing we have to follow is to be bold to speak the truth no matter how many people turn against us. 

It is better to speak truth to the people and make them angry or sad or hurt  and save their souls instead of speaking flattering words and make them happy and lead them on the way of destruction.

Date: 26: 01: 2020.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 2 Peter 1:3- His divine power has given us everything needed for life and Godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

God's word says that we are given everything to live a Godly life in this world  but the question remains in us why we have not received it and most of us are struggling with it.

The main reason for not having enough is firstly we are not satisfied with what we have,  secondly our wants are more than our needs and thirdly we are not increased in the knowledge of God.

When we are not satisfied with whatever we have then we try to imitate rich around us and try to become like them and when we pursue this for long instead of becoming rich we will be in serious danger of falling into debts.

When our wants become more than our needs we will be in serious danger of falling into greed. God knows what we need and not what we want.

God's divine power has given us everything to live a Godly life on this earth based on one condition and it doesn't come freely. 

The condition is we have to increase in His knowledge and His knowledge will increase in us by being serious in prayer, by reciting Word of God, by learning the Word of God and by memorizing the Word of God on daily basis. More we acquire knowledge of God more we will come closer to receive His great providence in our life.

God is the only source of all great blessings, favor and goodness. Only when we know Him more we will build our confidence in Him and when we have confidence in Him then surely we will obey Him. When we obey and do everything as He says there will be nothing lacking in our life.

Date: 25: 01: 2020.

Friday, January 24, 2020


We always find that those who walked closest to Christ were those who had to bear the greatest trials.”
-St. Teresa of Avila.

We are all reciting prayers at home or by going to the church to get solutions to our problems.

Most of us are scared about problems that is why they run to various anointed people or anointed places for messages.

We have to understand that God has allowed suffering, trials, sickness and many other problems not to destroy us but to keep us close to Him.

More we have problems more we run for solutions but we will never think that all difficulties of life will keep us close to Jesus and also our dependence on Jesus will increase.

We have to understand that miracles will keep us close to Jesus for few months or years but when we go through trials and get out of it victorious our relationship with Jesus gets strong day by day and because of this strong relationship we will be able be close to Jesus till the end of our life on this earth.

We have to pray daily not get out of our problems but to ask Jesus strength to bear it and be rewarded. More we learn to bear trials more we will become closer to Jesus and because of becoming closer to Jesus we will surely have change of heart, mind and also our life.

Date: 24: 01: 2020.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7-  for we walk by faith, not by sight.

We are all going to church some are Sunday Catholics, some are regular Catholics, some are rare Catholics but the question we need to ask ourself is whether we are walking in Faith or walking by sight.

The answer is most of the people whether they are regular or Sunday or rare they walk by sight. The reason for this is we can go to church and listen to the word of God daily but if we fail to practice what we hear then surely nothing great will happen in our life after going to church daily or Sunday's or rarely.

If we have to walk by Faith then surely we have to recite, memorize, study the word of God daily as we were studying in the school.

When we were studying in the school there was exam and based on exam results we will be either promoted to the next class or retained in the same class.

In the same way when we study the Word of God there will be testing of Faith and only when we pass the the test we will be promoted to next level of Faith or else we can fail the test again and again and be in the same level of Faith for years. One fine day we may get fed up with our failing the test and we may give up Faith.

Basic level of Faith is very easy and most of the people are in it and  as we climb up the ladder of Faith challenges are going to become tough and only those who are courageous can climb up others get depressed and give up.

It is better go through tough situations and be in Faith because person who is cowardly and faithless will not enter the kingdom of heaven (Rev 21:8).

Date: 23: 01: 2020.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best. Saint Jerome.

We are all living in the same world but in the same community we can find very bad, bad, okay, good, better and best people around us.

The main reason for this is we all because of following the desires of the world and pleasures of the flesh we become very bad, bad or okay in the eyes of others.

As we become bad we can either change for good or we can become worst all depends on our decision on what we want to become.

If we choose to become good then surely we have to get connected to the source of all goodness that is GOD. When we with all our heart get Connected to the source of all goodness then surely we will become good through purification process that is suffering.

Once we become good we cannot relax because on the other side devil will be waiting to push us back from where we started. We have to increase in the knowledge and wisdom of God to become better and as we move forward everyday fighting the devil surely one fine day we will become best. 

Till we become best in eveything we should not rest, once we become best then we will become the biggest threat to the devil and his army.

Date: 22: 01: 2020.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 5: 37- And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. 

In the new testament wine means HOLY SPIRIT. We are all church goers from many years but still we are in different levels of faith. 

Most of us are still in the basic level of faith and we wonder many a times to search reason for it. We cannot find the reason until and unless we will have fellowship with God daily.

Main reason we are not growing mature in faith but struggling with faith is  because we want to grow in faith by keeping our old mindset.

Old mindset is compared to old wine skin. If we continue to pray without renewing our mind according to the Word of God then surely we will be in faith for few months and after that again we will be going through crisis in faith.

When we are praying everyday we will be filled with the Holy Spirit if we do not give up our old mindset then within few months Holy Spirit which is filled inside us will be drained and we will become empty again.

If we give up our old mindset and change our mindset according to the Word of God then surely the infilling of the Holy Spirit will turn into anointing one day.

Let us commit ourselves to the Lord daily and change our old mindset which was at work when we were worldly to new mindset according to the Word of God. Initially for few years it will be difficult but practice makes us perfect one day if we do not give up.

Date: 21: 01: 2020.

Monday, January 20, 2020


Word of God clearly says in ECCLESIASTICAS 7:21-22- Do not give heed to everything that people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you;  your heart knows that many times you have yourself cursed others.

We are all living in this corrupt world and within no time we learn corrupt ways of the world. When we learn corrupt ways of the world we also learn to curse others.

Many of us do not even know what is curse. Cursing others is nothing but talking bad about others with our known ones. Maybe they have done something bad to us or spoken bad about us and sometimes most of us listen to others and talk bad about them without knowing the whole truth.

If we think we are in serious prayer life then we should learn to highlight the good qualities of others and ignore the bad but the truth is people who are in prayers from long time ignore the good qualities and highlight the bad qualities of others.

Most of us are getting offended when someone speaks badly about us or behave badly with us instead of responding by praying for them we react by getting angry with them. These people who speak badly or behave badly or gossip about us are allowed by God in our life to build us strong emotionally. If we are not positive when these people are in our life we become angry and rebellious instead of becoming humble and meek.

Let us not take everything everyone says to our heart but only which will help us in our spiritual growth and other things let us  just ignore. Let us also learn to speak good about all who are doing or speaking bad. By doing this we will inherit blessings from God.

Date: 20: 01: 2020.

Sunday, January 19, 2020


Word of God clearly says in JOHN 14: 27- Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

Most of us who are having prayer life from many years are struggling to live in peace with themself and also with others.

Main reason we do not experience peace despite being in prayer is we are doing prayer because of our habits and problems and not because we are having desire to grow in faith and righteousness.

Jesus is going to give us peace which lasts in every situation only when we are obedient to His Word.

Most of the people are obedient to God's word only when they are going through problems and once they come out of their problems again they lead their life as they want and destroy every blessing they received from God by being friends of the devil.

God knows everyone in and out and that's why He knows whom to give peace and whom not.

When we are fearful it's very easy to lose our peace, the moment we lose our peace devil can easily enter our life by giving us suggestions through our thoughts, the moment we say yes to the devil we will again fall trap to sin.

When we are courageous like a soldier in the battle we will be able to maintain peace in every situation no matter how difficult it is. When we are at peace devil cannot think of coming closer to us.

It is better to be obedient to Jesus and enjoy the life of  peace instead of being disobedient to Jesus and lose our peace.

Date: 19: 01: 2020.

Saturday, January 18, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 11:1- Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 

We are all familiar with the word FAITH and most of do not know the meaning of faith and how it works in our life and that is why most of us are going through crisis in faith.

Firstly Faith is NOW. Many of us when we are in faith we think everything will happen tomorrow or in the days to come but whatever we are thinking is not faith but hope. Faith is always now and never later.

Secondly faith is the assurance of things we hope for. This is the place where most of the people make errors. Most of them either have faith without hope and hope without faith. Faith and hope goes together and one will not work without help of the other. When we are in faith with image of things we hope for, if our hope is according to God's plan surely it will manifest in our life.

Thirdly Faith is the conviction of things not seen. When we are in faith we have to develop a new habit of believing in what we want to see and we have to stop believing in what we see. When we have conviction of what we want to see then surely we will see everything in our life sometimes less than we expect and sometimes more than we expected according to God's plan and purpose.

Let's make time everyday to grow in faith and never quit no matter how difficult the situations are. If we do not quit then surely difficult situations turn into blessings for us.

Date: 18: 01: 2020.

Friday, January 17, 2020


A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God.” St. Faustina.

When we are in our journey on earth we can either be humble or be filled with pride.

When we are filled with pride we walk hand in hand with the devil and inherit everything coming from the devil that is why most of the people in this world live thinking that they know everything and fall every day but still they don't accept their mistake and change but pursue the same till they fall into the biggest pit of their life, once they fall there then they have to cry to the Lord for help and also they have to amend their ways to get restored.

On the contrary the humble always place all their trust in not their abilities but on the abilities of God. Humble walk hand in hand with God that is why they live a simple life no matter how rich they are. When the humble put their trust in the abilities of God then surely they are going to grow spiritually strong.

Humble after being spiritually strong they do not display their strength in front of others but the proud when they become spiritually strong boast about them with others.

No matter how long we are in prayers God knows those who are humble and also those who are proud. We cannot act in front of God that we are humble when we are filled with pride because God knows each and every single details about us.

If we are filled with pride let us change ourself as early as possible because pride comes before the fall.

Date: 17: 01: 2020.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Word of God clearly says in WISDOM 11:23- But you are merciful to all, for you can do all things, and you overlook people’s sins, so that they may repent.

God is merciful to us when we were in the habit of committing sins daily and was waiting patiently for us to return back to Him.

When we are in the habit of committing sins we become more selfish and because of that we will be able to hurt God again and again without having any realization.

God gives us many help on the way to change ourself like sending His anointed ones to us or sending us to His anointed ones. If we are humble and obedient it will benefit us, if we are stubborn and disobedient it will not benefit us.

God has overlooked our sins when we were growing in prayers only because He wants us to repent and come back to Him in not bits and pieces but wholly.

Only when we repent for our sins we will come to realization or else we may live in darkness. 

Let us make time to pray everyday so that we may understand the wrongs we were doing and stop doing it and start doing right according to His Word.

Date: 16: 01: 2020.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent-- SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS.

We are all in prayer and when good things happens to us we will be praising God and reciting prayer and as we move forward in our journey in the same way when bad things happen in our life we grumble, get upset, get angry only because we are full of ourself and God is having very small place in our life. When bad things happen and we are calm, rejoicing and praising God it clearly displays our strength of prayer and our total dependency on God.

Jesus also without doing anything wrong went through lots of suffering but He was silent throughout His suffering. 

When we are going through suffering or persecution or experiencing bad things or unjust suffering we have to examine ourself and see whether we are joyful and calm or we will be gloomy and sad. 

Whenever something bad or something unjust or something displeasing happens to us we have to always remember that  Jesus has gone through everything we are going through to the fullest still He was obedient till the end.

We also have to be obedient to God till the end no matter what we are going through. More we are obedient to God more we are going to receive help from God to bear everything coming our way with joy.

Date: 15: 01: 2020.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 1 PETER 2:21- For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you should follow in his steps.

Jesus suffered every punishment which was due to us for our sins. He was persecuted for our sake, He was scourged, beaten, spit upon, dealt harshly, crowned with thorns, carried the cross to Calvary, nailed on the cross for our sake. Jesus suffered complete suffering for our sins.

In today's world when people face small crisis like job loss, misunderstanding, persecution, sickness, financial problems, poverty, harsh words from others, treated badly by others they cannot bear it. Instead of bearing they fight against it and fall into addiction, bad habits and bad company because of this instead of changing they become worst.

Jesus suffered everything coming His way joyfully setting us example that we have to follow His footsteps but the truth is people want only good from the Lord and all the bad for their enemies. 

Whatever suffering God has destined for us we have to go through wit courage and  joy because it is the process of our purification from our sins and starting point of our Holiness. More we go through suffering more we will be united with the Lord.

Miracles can make us united with the Lord for a short period of time but suffering will unite us with Lord for life time only if we are obedient.

Date: 14: 01: 2020.

Monday, January 13, 2020


“The man who sets about making others better is wasting his time, unless he begins with himself.”- ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA.

In today's world people who learn very little start speaking to others as  they have learnt and practiced for years but the truth is they have learnt only few months.

We have to understand that without we first guiding ourself to discipline we cannot guide others. 

Many people join prayer groups and within a matter of few months they think they know everything and start speaking to others and will be wasting their time. 
There is a time to learn, there is a time to practice and then comes the time to speak. We have to understand that when we are learning we have to keep our mouth shut and learn well. When we are practicing let us do it secretly till we succeed.When God gives us instruction to speak then we may speak to the heart of people which will surely bring change in them.

If we  "PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH " we will be successful and strong in our spiritual life. If we do not practice ourself everything we want to preach to others then we will be preaching empty words to others which will not benefit them and also we will be wasting our time.

Let us not waste our time to make others better but let us make time to make ourself better. When we grow better then surely God will use us to make others better.

Date: 13: 01: 2020.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Word of God clearly says in  2 Timothy 1:7- for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.

Fear is the biggest enemy of faith and those who are having fears of the world will struggle to grow in faith. 

Many of us recite prayers daily in our houses, some go for daily mass, some go daily to blessed sacrament after doing all this the question we have to ask ourselves is are we growing in the power of God, love of God and also are we living a disciplined life, if not then all this we do is because of our habitual duty.

If we are true disciples of Jesus then we have to imitate our master and be courageous in every situation trusting in Him fully. If we are disciples of the devil then surely we will be acting cowardly and running away from every problems without facing it. Every cowardly act of ours will not help us overcome any situation but make easy situation difficult and difficult situation impossible to overcome.

God has not given us the spirit of cowardice or fear. We have to understand that if God has not given us the spirit of cowardice then surely it is given to us by the devil.

God has given us power and authority through His Word to overcome every affliction of the devil but the question is how many of us use it on daily basis the answer is only few and rest roam to place to place and person to person and say " PRAY FOR ME".

God is pouring on us love through Holy Spirit through prayer. If we do not pray daily from where we can get love of God.

God has given us Spirit of self discipline but the truth is in today's world instead of disciplining ourself we try to discipline others around us. Self Discipline will not come automatically to us but it will come to us as the knowledge of God increases in our life.

We have to examine ourself and see which spirit is ruling our life. If it is God's Spirit then we need to grow in it daily and if it's devil's spirit we need to get rid of it immediately.

Date: 12: 01: 2020.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Word of God clearly says in SIRACH 34:7-- For dreams have deceived many, and those who put their hope in them have perished.

Most of us are going through one or the other problems in life and when we are in the midst of problems  Most of us get dreams about solutions and because of this we may become happy for a moment but as the days goes on we get deceived, angry and worried.

It is better to believe in the Word of God and experience God's miracle instead of believing in every dream we get and be deceived.

Many of us believe in every dreams and try to live according to their dreams and get destroyed. If we believe in all the dreams we get and if we don't have foundation of the Word of God then surely disappointment and frustration will enter in our life.

Most of the dreams come from human spirit and evil spirit and only few will come from the most high. We have to have virtue of prudence otherwise it is next to impossible to identify from which source the dream has originated.

If we pursue dreams coming to us from human spirit or evil spirit then surely we will deceived and also if we pursue it then surely we will perish without the dream being accomplished in our life.

Let us not believe in every dreams we get unless that dream will connect us to God's purpose.

Date: 11: 01: 2020.

Friday, January 10, 2020


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 9:14- how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to worship the living God!

We all are going to different forms of prayer and after going for years we do not understand the value of Precious blood of Jesus Christ. 

Most of by choosing to live a sinful life we make a mockery of Jesus Great sacrifice. It is because Jesus shed His blood for our sins we are alive after committing sin everyday. 

Word of God says that wages of sin is death but truth is all the wages of our sin was carried by Jesus Christ on the cross and because of His death on the cross we are alive after committing sin after sin.

If today if we are in prayer or our life is changed all credit goes to God for showering upon us His Grace and Mercy.

Only when we are washed by His precious blood our dead works because of our corrupt conscience will stop and our conscience which was corrupted because of worldly influence will be purified and only then we will be able to worship God with all our heart.

God knows every single information of our life. God knows everything happening in our life better than us that is why we struggle sometimes to get out of our problems despite praying daily because God knows there is something dangerous we have to overcome before we are blessed.

When our mind and heart is cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus then we will be able to live a Holy and righteous life pleasing to God.

Date: 10: 01: 2020.

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 1 JOHN 3: 8- Everyone who commits sin is a child of the devil; for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The Son of God was revealed for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 

We have all sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. God's word says when we continuously choose to sin then we become children of devil.

Devil from the beginning of the creation was cunning, deceiving and Liar and from Adam and Eve till date the people who listen to the devil are more than those who listen to God.

When devil gives us suggestions through our thoughts it is in our power to say YES or NO if we say YES then surely we multiply sins in our life and if we say NO then surely we will multiply strength of God in our life.

Jesus left His throne and became man and suffered and died for us to redeem us from the slavery of sin or slavery of devil.

After Jesus sacrificed His life for us to set us free from all slavery even today after 2000+ years after Jesus sacrifice on the cross people who are under slavery of sin are more than those who are free.

Jesus came to this earth so that He can destroy every work of evil from our life but the truth is how many of us seriously invite Jesus and give him our consent to destroy the works of the devil from our life.

People take sacrament of confession or penance for granted and many commit sins without fear because of availability of sacrament of confession. We have to think very seriously about sin and try our level best to give up rather than taking sacrament of confession for granted. Many have delayed of going to sacrament of confession and could not make it because they were dead either in accident or calamities or any other reason.

Death will not come telling us in advance it can come anytime to any person that's why if we are planning to go for confession tomorrow let's go today as there is no guarantee that tomorrow we are alive or dead.

Date: 09: 01: 2020.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 10:12- Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

In this world which is full of corruption we find very few people living in love and rest of them living in hatred.

We see around us so many people  hate one another either because of property or job or money or disagreement or arguments or disputes.

Most of them having all the hatredness inside they come regularly to church seeking solutions to their problems but they are not ready to give up their hatredness. 

We are going through all this situations which is the cause of all hatredness inside us only because God wants to teach us to love everyone no matter what they speak or do to us.

Whenever we have hatredness inside us against any person then when we see that person face to face  from a distance we will be feeling uncomfortable to talk with that person and that is why most of the people avoid them and walk other way.

More hatredness is inside us we will be walking towards hell. Without God's help it is next to impossible to love those whom we hate.

We have to understand that when hatredness increases in us anger increases and when love increases increases in us meekness increases.

We have to understand when we love others as they are, everyone around us will be having   uphill task to make us angry. Loving others also covers all our offenses.

It is better to live in love instead of hatred because meekness will save us from trouble and anger causes us trouble.

Date: 08: 01: 2020.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Word of God clearly says in JAMES 2:13- For judgment will be without mercy to anyone who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.

In today's world mercy has become just a small word without any meaning for most of the people including those who are in prayer.

When someone is in trouble how many of us are ready to sacrifice our time and give to them time encourage them to overcome it.

Most of say we do not have time but in reality to watch TV or to go to shopping mall or to watch movies in theater they have plenty of time.

We have to understand mercy towards others is most important quality of God we have to develop in our life.

Most of them instead of stepping out they show fake mercy on social media to attract others. Many people because of the mercy we have shown by building them and encouraging them in prayer they have overcome many problems in their life.

We have to understand that in the time of judgment mercy we have shown to others will win favourable judgment for us.

God desires that every one who has been saved because of His mercy should do the same to save others. God has accepted as we are and in the same way we have to do the same. God has corrected us through His love and in the same way we have to do the same. God has condemned our sin and not us and we should do the same to others.

We first have experience ourself everything from the Lord and after experiencing we have to share the same with others around us.

Date: 07: 01: 2020.