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Saturday, August 31, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 20:19 - A gossip reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a babbler.

We come across people who are gossiping about others especially in the church, prayer meeting, neighbors and workplace.

People who gossip always do not correct themselves but all the time speaking about others mistake and also others secret.

Many of us do not have common friends and when someone reveals something about someone we have seen but do not know we start judging that person and if we are not alert then surely we will be passing the same information to others around us.

We have to understand gossiping is equivalent to murder. A person who murders another person kills the body but the person who gossips kills the character of another person.

We have to understand that there is no forgiveness for gosipping but we need to do reperation by speaking good about the people about whom we have gossiped.

Gossiping is like speaking a secret we know to the other person who do not know. We have to cut off from the people who are gossiping or else because of their influence on us we will become the same in matter of few months.

Whatever we gossip about someone with others cannot be taken back as the person we have gosipped will be gossiping with his known people and they in turn with their known and so on.

Let's stop gossiping about someone with others and instead cultivate a new habit of speaking good about someone with others to save us from falling trap to gossiping.

Date: 31: 08: 2019.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Romans 6:6- We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. 

We were living in the World and we have believed everything that is wrong according to the Word of God and because of this we have cultivated a habit which is according to the life we were living before coming to prayers.

Once we step into our prayer life we have to put our old self to death or else we will be praying but not growing in faith because our old self.

Our old self was committing lots of sin and if  we do not crucify our old self to Jesus cross then we will be having lots of difficulty in becoming strong in prayers.

Our old self  had the habit of living by sight and our new self should develop the habit of living by faith.

Our old self cultivated a habit of committing sin. Our new self should develop a habit of increasing in Grace.

Our old self was fighting, arguing, complaining and rebelling against God. Our new self should develop a habit of fighting our battle of faith, avoiding arguments, thanksgiving to God and remaining loyal to God in every situation of our life.

Without God's help it is impossible to crucify our old self and without crucifying  our old self it is impossible to grow mature in faith.

Date: 30: 08: 2019. ROVAN PINTO.

Word of God clearly says in Romans 6:6- We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. 

We were living in the World and we have believed everything that is wrong according to the Word of God and because of this we have cultivated a habit which is according to the life we were living before coming to prayers.

Once we step into our prayer life we have to put our old self to death or else we will be praying but not growing in faith because our old self.

Our old self was committing lots of sin and if  we do not crucify our old self to Jesus cross then we will be having lots of difficulty in becoming strong in prayers.

Our old self  had the habit of living by sight and our new self should develop the habit of living by faith.

Our old self cultivated a habit of committing sin. Our new self should develop a habit of increasing in Grace.

Our old self was fighting, arguing, complaining and rebelling against God. Our new self should develop a habit of fighting our battle of faith, avoiding arguments, thanksgiving to God and remaining loyal to God in every situation of our life.

Without God's help it is impossible to crucify our old self and without crucifying  our old self it is impossible to grow mature in faith.

Date: 30: 08: 2019.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 John 3:5- You know that he was revealed to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 

According to the Word of God Jesus was born in the human form and He was persecuted, scourged, wounded and died on the cross to take away our sins.

Word of God says that Wages of sin is death and the same wages of sin of all the people on this earth was carried by Jesus on the cross to set us free.

Jesus was born without original sin and also throughout His life on earth He didn't commit a single sin and because of this He did not deserve any punishment.

Because of the love Jesus had for us He was ready to die for us. We have to honour His sacrifice every day of life and try our best to give up sins.

Whatever suffering Jesus went through if it was given to us I don't think we would have been able to bear it for few seconds also. 

We have to remember the sufferings of Jesus everyday and change our life from sin to Grace. 

Sin does not have upper hand over us because of Jesus sacrifice which transferred all of us from law to Grace.

Date: 29:08:2019.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 Timothy 6:7 - for we brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it;

We are at one or the other point of time born and came into this world as infants bringing nothing with us in the same way when die we take nothing with us.

We need to ask ourselves question when we have enough to live Godly life why we chase for more.

Many of us initially come to prayers because of our problems and once our problems are solved and start becoming rich again we forget our values we cultivated when we were in prayers and keep ourselves busy in making more money.

Once we fall trap to greediness it is very difficult for us to come back to God.

We have to understand whatever possession and money we have when we die we cannot take anything with us.

God has created rich and poor for a purpose so that the rich may share the excess they have with the poor, but the reality is rich are ready to donate any amount of money where their names are announced or written on the stone but they do not care for the poor.

We have to learn to save and share our excess with others so that we may become blessing in somebody's life.

Date: 28:08:2019.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Mark 11:24 - So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Jesus clearly tells us to believe everything we are asking God in our prayers before we receive. But the question is how many of us really believe.

Believing everything we have asked through prayers with God before we receive requires our daily relationship with Him.

Most of us we start our relationship with God in church or retreat or prayer meetings and we leave it there only and fail to carry that same relationship to our houses.

Because of this when problems or sickness befalls us we fail to believe that we can overcome problems or sickness with the power of God.

Many of us pray and believe that God is going to solve our problems and if this doesn't happen in a particular time then we will get anxious, worried and lose our peace but very few believe that God has already solved our problem and live in peace.

What God has said in His Word He will do it, If it is not happening in our life then it can be because of lack of faith or lack of love or unforgiveness or sin.

Once we know the reason we have to make effort to grow in faith, grow in love,  forgive every one who have hurt us and ask forgiveness with everyone we have hurt and also give up our sins.

Our God is big and also God of the impossible. Let's trust in God with all our heart and His promises will be fulfilled in our life.

Date: 27:08:2019.

Monday, August 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Hosea 4:6- My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge.

In today's world we see many of them suffering from loss of health or loss of property or loss of job and business or loss of family and loss of many other things.

The main reason for the loss of all these things is lack of knowledge. We are having lack of knowledge because we do everything to keep ourselves busy other than growing in the knowledge of the Word of God.

We have to understand that because of lack of knowledge we follow the ways of the world and desires of the flesh and walk in the way which ends in destruction.

God has put all His instructions in His Word but if we do not read, it will be our mistake. We cannot say that we did not know.

It is like speeding camera set on road for a particular speed.
If we do not know the speed of the road and go more than that speeding camera light Will flash and once the speeding camera flashes we have to pay fine for speeding and we cannot say we didn't know and escape from the fine.

In the same way all instructions are written in the Word of God and it is our responsibility to read and follow the instructions   or else we will have to bear all the consequences  for following the ways of the world and desires of the flesh and also we may fall to the traps and obstacles set by the enemy.

Let's all make a commitment to learn the Word of God daily and grow in the knowledge of the Word of God so that we may not be destroyed by the enemy.

Date: 26-08-2019.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


My only work is to suffer. He gives to me everything only after having weighed and measured them- Saint Alphonsa.

Are we all ready in our minds to go through all the sufferings which is going to come in our life suddenly.

If we accept all the sufferings joyfully we will grow in strength and courage. If we do not accept all the sufferings joyfully then we will grow  in bitterness and anger.

Suffering will transform us from victim to Victor. Suffering will make us experience God's love and also increase our dependence on God.

When we have gone through suffering in our life joyfully then we will be able to help others around us who are going through the same.

Suffering will always lead us to repentance and salvation. Suffering Will help us to trust in God and also because of trusting Him our sufferings will be lightened.

Suffering will help us to be transformed according to the Word of God. Suffering will also help us to carry our crosses daily and imitate Jesus in our life.

Saint Alphonsa says suffering is the greatest blessing we can receive from God and she also says one day without suffering is one day lost.

Date: 25: 08: 2019.

Saturday, August 24, 2019


God's word clearly says in Ephesians 4:29- Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear.

According to the Word of God we are instructed not to speak evil but how many of us really practice it in our life.

We may go to church daily or weekly basis but are we alert about what we speak. Many of us after attending church we come out and gossip either about the priest or our family or our neighbors or our friends with others. This clearly indicates that we use our tongue to destroy others reputation and not building them.

We have to understand that every word we speak to others has to build them up spiritually and also help them to amend their life.

If we are going on speaking bad about others and destroy their character then instead of following Jesus we will be following the devil. Devil's work is to steal all our happiness, kill our character and destroy our blessings.

Let's make a commitment today to speak good about people who are doing bad and also speak well about people who are good so that we may become true followers of Jesus Christ.

Date: 24:08:2019.

Friday, August 23, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Galatians 5:17- For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you want. 

Fruits of the flesh in us is our enemy which will not allow us to grow in the fruit of the Spirit and because of this no matter how hard we try we fail to cultivate fruit of the Spirit in our life.

We need to evaluate our life and find out the fruit of the flesh we have and then only we can ask God help to uproot it from our life.

Without help of God we cannot have fruit of flesh uprooted from our life and all the fruit of the flesh will work against the fruits of the Spirit.

Because of possessing the fruits of the flesh many of us start our spiritual journey with great desire but as we journey forward the desire to grow dies because of the fruits of the flesh in us.

when we are Walking in faith with fruits of the flesh we will be doing so many things which is contrary to the Word of God.

More we die to our flesh we will grow powerfully in the Spirit. Dying to the flesh requires from us great discipline in our life.


Thursday, August 22, 2019


God's word clearly says in psalm 150:6 - Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

In this world people are busy with their work, their family and other worldly things and because of this we fail to praise God in our life. 

We have to understand that we need to praise God when everything is well with us as well when we are going through suffering.

 It's easy to praise God when everything is well with us but we forget because we are busy with other things. When we are going through suffering its difficult to praise the Lord but we have to cultivate a new habit of praising God.

When we praise God we break the power of the enemy(Psalm 8:4) and no matter what enemy has planned for our destruction all will fail.

By praising God in every adverse situations we prove that we trust God and in His Word more than any adverse situations.

By praising God we experience impossible miracles in our life and also our heart will be filled with joy and peace in midst of any situation.

Let everyone who is breathing Praise the Lord because He has given us one more day to live on this earth.

Date: 22:08:2019.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


God's word clearly says in 1 Corinthians 2:5 - so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God.

We are all growing in faith in different levels and many times when situation becomes tight we start wondering whether we are going in right direction or wrong.

We need to understand that faith doesn't work according to our feeling but according to our believing.

Many of us pray for long time everyday but when impossible situation demands believing we choose to reasoning and fall away.

We should know that faith doesn't depend on our reasoning or our worldly wisdom but merely on the power of God.

As we exercise our faith and walk forward in our life without questioning or complaining or grumbling or reasoning we will surely experience God's supernatural assistance in our life.

When we are questioning or complaining or grumbling or reasoning shows our lack of faith and lack of love and we will be thinking more about HOW it will happen rather than when it will happen. We have to understand that HOW it will happen is left to God and not us. 

Let us grow in faith depending on God to take every decision in our life and also let us move forward with our faith believing that if miracle doesn't happen today surely it will happen tomorrow. God knows surely how and when to answer us.

Date: 21:08:2019.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


God's word clearly says in Luke 10:19- See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you.

The question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are aware of the authority given to us by God and use it to defeat the enemy or we are comfortable saying we are weak and ask hundreds of people prayer help.

God has given everyone authority to defeat the enemy but the authority will not work in our life without Faith, courage and love.

When we use authority given by God against the enemy initially we might fail a few times but when we move forward with courage, faith and love we will surely know the ways to defeat the enemy.

Defeating enemy is not going happen overnight but we have to increase in the knowledge of the Word of God and also we need to know when we have to speak and when to remain silent.

Authority of God grows in our life when faith and righteousness increases in our life and we will be able to use the authority given to us by God  in our life as well as other peoples life.

Date: 20:08:2019.

Monday, August 19, 2019


God's word says in Matthew 25:40 - Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ 

 We need to examine our life from the beginning till date and see that how many times we have given food to hungry or given water to the thirsty or how many sick people we have visited and prayed for them or how many prisoners we have visited. When we do this act of love to others it is like doing for Jesus.

We have to look around us and watch very closely broken people and help them with whatever we can either in our deeds or by encouraging them with our words.

Many of us after being in prayers from years, we  fail to go out of our comfort zone and do something good to others.

We instead of helping them with whatever we can, we will  either say to them recite this prayer or that prayer or will say I will pray for you and walk away.

We have to make time to give food and water to all the flood affected people near us and also let us make a good habit of visiting sick and also prisoners and listen to their difficulties and pray over them so that whatever we do to them we are doing for Jesus.

Date: 19:08:2019.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


When we are walking in faith there are many problems which befalls on us and initially many of us will think because of saying prayers it has fallen on us.

God's word clearly says in psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord rescues them from them all.

As we are growing in faith one by one problems start increases in our life only because God wants to test our faith and see whether we are going to be faithful to His word or fall away.

Problems of the righteous are many no doubt about it but our dependence on God should increase or else we are going to fall into oppression, depression and if we don't take care it will end up with despair and suicide.

God always want to test our faith to see our confidence and faith in His Word, more we are going to be faithful to His word, more we are going to be overcomers of problems.

God is the only solution to every problem we have, some of our problems God solves very fast and for other problems we may have to wait for few days, few weeks, few months and also few years. 

More our solution to our problem is delayed more we need to encourage ourselves and grow in faith instead of worrying and falling into desperation.

Date: 18:08:2019.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


God's word clearly says in Deuteronomy 28:2 - all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the Lord your God:

If God's word is saying that all the blessing will come upon us and overtake us then why most of us run behind retreat center, novenas, prayer meetings for blessing. The answer is because we are chasing the blessing and not chasing the  Blesser.

If blessing is not chasing us it's because we instead of chasing God we chase blessing. 

By Chasing the blessing our blessing never seem to be near us but it is still going far away from us.

 We are called to chase God by reciting His Word, memorizing His Word, Believing in His Word and obeying His Word.

Only when we do this blessing will chase us and overtake us. We need to understand the meaning of blessing. 

Blessing is favour and protection of God in our life for obeying Him.

We are going to inherit God's blessing in our life only when we obey HIS word in every adverse situation no matter how difficult it is. 

God knows when and how to bless us. Our work is to recite the Word of God with confidence and stay calm with patience till that particular situation in our life is solved.

God's favour for one day is more than our Labour for lifetime.

Date: 17: 08: 2019.

Friday, August 16, 2019


God's word clearly says in            2 Corinthians 7:10 - For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret, but worldly grief produces death.

Question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are having Godly grief or worldly grief. The answer is very few have Godly grief and most of them have worldly grief.

People who are having Godly grief cries to the Lord begging for mercy for His sins of the past and also pleads for mercy for the sins of spouse and children. 

Person having Godly grief will also accept that all the loss happened to him in job or business or health or family has come to him not because of others but because of his sin and also for hurting others in words and deeds. 

Person having Godly grief will also understand that Jesus had paid price in full for his sins by shedding every drop of blood from His body. 

Person having Godly grief will have a true change of heart and hates all the sins he enjoyed in the past. After doing this he receives forgiveness for all the sins of the past by God and also he will be cleansed from all unrighteousness and also he will be restored by God.

 On the contrary person having worldly grief will also cry out to God, confesses his sins and also admits wrong doings but instead of repenting he remains self centered and because of this he grieves over all the loss happened to Him in job or business or health or family and complains about all the unfair treatment he received from others and demands justice from God instead of mercy. 

Person having worldly grief will be having great pain and regret for his own pain and not the pain of others, because of this he finally falls into self pity and despair.

  Godly grief will lead us to salvation and Worldly grief will lead us to death.

Date: 16:08:2019.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


God's word clearly says in 1Peter 2:24 B - BY HIS( JESUS) WOUNDS  WE HAVE BEEN HEALED.

If God's word is saying to us that by the wounds which happened to Jesus 2019 years back when He was beaten, scourged, crowned with thorns, by carrying of the cross and when He was nailed on the cross then why we are finding most of the people suffering from one or the other sickness.

Sickness doesn't come from God but it is coming from Satan but Satan cannot afflict us with any sickness without permission of God ( refer job 2:6-7). 

God allows sickness in our life for 3 different purpose out of which first two type of sickness can be healed if we co-operate with God and the third sickness as it is coming towards the end of our life on earth it cannot be healed till our death.


Many of us were sick and initially we took help of doctor and medicine and were not healed and after that someone introduced us to prayer and through prayers we were miraculously healed and saw Glory of God in our life.


Many of us are filled with lots of pride, arrogance, rebellion and stubbornness because of this we refuse to believe in God's power and because of allowing of sickness by God in our life our pride and arrogance will turn into humility, our rebellion will turn into loyalty and our stubbornness will turn into willingness. Through sickness God will change ourself completely from journeying towards heaven from hell.

3. TO CLEAR OUR SUFFERING IN PURGATORY ( refer to life of St. Gertrude).

In life of St. Gertrude after living a holy life she was afflicted with sickness at the end of her life and died and because of this one of the nun was again and again was asking God why she suffered sickness when she was living a holy life  and God answered  her because she has committed small sins for which she has to suffer few days in purgatory to clear that  she was allowed to suffer  from sickness while she was living on earth.

Through sickness we can learn so many lessons in our life and also we will identify the wrong we were doing in our life and correct it.

 Sickness helps us to be cautious and to live with discipline in our life.

When we co-operate with God in midst of our sickness our faith in God increases, our character changes and also our days in purgatory will reduce.

God is great and greatly to be praised and thanked because He works everything for our good in midst of our sickness so that we may  live a life of conversion.

Date:15: 08: 2019.