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Monday, September 30, 2019


Word of God clearly says in John 6:53- So Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 

As Catholics we are participating in the Holy mass daily or weekly. The very important question we need to ask ourself is whether we come to Holy mass before time.

Some of us come to Holy mass after the blessing, some come after the reading, some come after the sermon and some arrive just few moments before Eucharist. We need to understand if we reach to the holy mass after Gloria we have missed the holy mass hence we cannot receive the holy Eucharist. 

Many of us come even in the end and receive Holy communion which is absolutely wrong. We have to understand that Holy Eucharist is not a eating thing but Jesus. 

When we receive Jesus we have to receive Him in a worthy manner or else every time we receive Jesus in a unworthy manner we will be not receiving Jesus but judgement.

We have to examine ourself and if we are in the state of mortal sin we should not receive communion because if we receive communion we will be committing sin of sacrilege and if we die in the state of sacrilege then we will be doomed to hell.

Without Eucharist we do not have life. Let's make a commitment to examine ourself and then receive Holy eucharist in a worthy manner.

Saint Maxmillan Kolbe says : If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy communion.

Date: 30:09:2019.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Luke 11: 28-- But HE ( JESUS) said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!”

We are all connected to various prayer groups or retreat center or parish.  We get connected to various prayer groups or retreat center or our parish only to listen to the Word of God and try to understand the Word of God.

We need ask ourselves whether we are only listening to the Word of God and deceiving ourself or we are obeying the Word of God and experiencing God's miracles and blessings in our life.

We are all very comfortable in only listening to the Word of God and warming the benches in prayer groups or retreat center or in our parishes.

When a person starts obeying the Word of God within a matter of 2 to 5 years he will teach others to do the same or else we can live as lukewarm Catholics . As Jesus says we will be blessed when we obey the Word of God.

God always rewards everyone who obeys His Word. 

Obedience to the Word of God will makes every impossible situations easy to overcome and disobedience to the Word of God makes every easy situations impossible to overcome.

Date: 29:09:2019. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019



We all are made unique by God hence to understand everyone it is a uphill task for us. We all are very good in giving advice to others expecting them to change and we fail to take advice ourself and change for better.

When we see others doing wrong instead of correcting them gently, we will be stern with them and when we do this we display our hypocrisy and pride.

We are all very comfortable of being stern to others and gentle with ourself therefore the people whom we are stern will change and we will remain the same for being gentle to ourself.

By being stern with ourself and gentle with others we will surely change our life and also because of our gentleness we will win souls for the kingdom of God.

Let us from today be alert and talk with others gently and let us highlight their good qualities and encourage them and also ignore their bad qualities.

We have to understand that without we experiencing the conversion of our soul we cannot think of making others experience the same.

Date: 28: 09: 2019.

Friday, September 27, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 9:10- The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. When we are talking about fear of the Lord it doesn't mean fear but reverence towards the Lord and His Word.

As we grow in fellowship of the Lord we slowly start giving honor to Him and also His Word and when we do that we start gaining wisdom very little by little.

When we take God and His Word seriously like we take our job or studies or any other things, we will gain knowledge of the Lord, more knowledge we gain about the Lord less we are going to fall trap to the lies of the devil.

When we are filled with wisdom of God, we will be safe in midst of every dangers because wisdom of God will guide us the way out. Many of us after being in prayer struggle when we are afflicted with problems only because we are not filled with the wisdom of God.

Wisdom of God is more precious than any jewels and also valuable than gold,silver and money.  Everything we need to know about God and His Word will be made known to us through wisdom of God.

Date: 27: 09: 2019.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Romans 12:12- Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.

We as humans when everything is going on well in our life we will be having high hopes and when everything is upside down we will reach the state of hopelessness.

We have to ask ourselves question whether we are rejoicing in whatever we are hoping from God even when our situations looks impossible, if we are not rejoicing in whatever we are hoping from God then surely we are not living in faith but in flesh.

Suffering is the greatest blessing we can ever receive from God but the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are patient when we are going through suffering. If we are not patient when we are suffering then we are trying to escape from it. We should know that God has allowed suffering in our life for a great purpose which we may not understand in the beginning but surely we will understand in the end.

When we are cultivating a life of prayer, we expect everything to happen fast as we want and when that doesn't happen we may become sorrowful and depressed. We have to understand that no matter how hard we pray God will always answer us in His time and only when we persevere in prayer we will reap great benefits out of our prayer life.

Date: 26:09:2019.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 Corinthians 13:13- And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

We need to know that faith, hope and love work together. We have to understand that without hope we cannot have faith and without love both faith and hope doesn't work powerfully in our life.

If we have hope of great things and do not have faith it will not work. If we have faith and we are not hoping anything it will not work. If we have faith and hope and do not have love it is like we have nothing.

Greatest of Faith, hope and love is love, so we have to use every opportunity we get to love the broken, depressed, sick, enemies, those who hate us, those who persecute us and also those who gossip about us.

We think by telling good morning or good night or praise the Lord or any other things we show our love to others but the truth is that is not love but affection. Affection we show towards a person depends on that person's goodness and once the same person does something to hurt us our affection towards that person stops, but love is not depending on persons goodness but if we are filled with love of God then surely we will be able to love everyone as they are.

By loving others as they are will help us to grow strong in our spiritual journey and also by loving others as they are we obey the commandment given to us by Jesus.

Date: 25: 09:2019.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Word of God clearly says in psalm 100:5- For the Lord is good;his steadfast love endures forever,and his faithfulness to all generations.

God is always good to us and God is the source of all good we speak or deeds we do. We might have questions in our minds about why bad is happening to us.

God is not responsible for every bad which is happening to us but we are responsible because of sowing wrong seeds and also taking wrong decision which has led us to reap wrong harvest in our life.

When we are reaping wrong harvest also God in His great mercy uses all the bad happening to us to work something good through it. Though this we will  understand God's love for us even when we are not with Him.

God has spoken His Word from the beginning so that we may speak the same word again and again and get benefited out of it in our life. God is faithful to His Word and His faithfulness has started from Adam and eve and its continuing till date.

Whatever God has spoken in His Word that He will do for us, He will surely do. We have to believe and stand on His Word till it is fulfilled in our life.

Date:24: 09: 2019.

Monday, September 23, 2019



We all are created by God to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him. We all are given mission by God to do something which has been designed by Him.

We all as humans have strengths and also weaknesses, when we walk away from God only for the love of more money we may become successful and rich but on the other side we are unsatisfied and also become miserable.

We are surrounded by people who are rich and also very rich and when we see their lifestyle from outside inside of us greed is getting ready to take us for a ride. When greediness enters our life everything around us looks like a object and we will at any cost will try to attain riches,As we chase riches on one side on the other side we will be losing our family, our children, our friends, our health and also our life.

Many of us who have walked away from God to chase wealth, some have committed suicide, some are sleeping in beds of hospitals, some have lost their mental balance and many are suffering from pain and illness.

We have to analyze our life and see whatever we are doing going away from God is worth, truth is all we do walking away from God is only vanity. It is better to walk with God having little instead of walking away from God and have more.

Date: 23: 09: 2019.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Matthew 15:8- This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me;

In today's church we find many people honoring God only with their lips to show others how holy they are but their hearts are occupied with things of the world.

We cannot experience the great love of God or miracles from God when our heart is far away from God. 

We may come to Holy Mass in our body but our mind will not  be  attentive to everything happening there and our heart is filled with so many things of the world.

Because of not giving our heart completely to God we fail to attain spiritual maturity till the end of our life.

We have freewill  to choose one of the options to move forward to wrong destination or to right destination. 

We can choose life in flesh and move slowly towards wrong destination that is destruction or we can cultivate life in Spirit and move towards right destination that is life.

When our heart is far away from God it will be very near to world. When we worship God we have to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

Date: 22:09:2019.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Ecclesiastes 3:14- I know that whatever God does endures forever; 

We have to understand that God has built His house( Churches, retreat centers, ministries or any religious organization). He has also chosen and anointed various priests, nuns, preachers and religious to do His work.

Whenever a person is set free from bondage or healed from sickness or any other big miracles happen in the house of God or through His Chosen ones, devil will create a group of people to criticize or false accuse either the chosen person or the house of God.

God has clearly given us indication through His Word that persecution or false accusations are bound to come either to the house of God or His chosen people,  because devil is losing souls daily because of  God's chosen people or because of the house of God. That's why devil will try to bring such a opposition to make everyone feel that  everything will come to an end in a matter of time but God always is on time to save His house or His chosen people.

Whatever God has created will endure forever,no matter how powerful people come against the House of God or His chosen people they cannot touch either the house of God or His chosen people because God is in control and He will Protect everything He has built and also protect His chosen people from every dangers.

We have to be united in prayer other than that we can do nothing and we have to let God do the best for HIS House or His Chosen people.

Date: 21:09:2019.

Friday, September 20, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Matthew 3:2- Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

We all pray, go for Holy mass, blessed sacrament, confession and retreats. We also hear the Word of God through different sources.

We have to examine ourself and see whether we are repenting for all the sins we were committing and correcting wrongs we were doing.

If we are not repenting then surely no matter how many years we are in prayers our life will not experience total conversion from sin to Grace.

We all get fed up at one or the other point in our life with the sins we are committing and wrongs we are doing. We do resolutions that I will not commit this sin or do that wrong and end up doing the same thing again.

We have to start focusing on Jesus and His Word 
and stop talking or thinking about sin then surely there is no chance to commit sin. Repentance means turning our face to Jesus and turning our back to sin.

Repenting for our sins and wrong doings will not happen overnight like magic but it will take years of commitment, effort and dedication to repent for all the sins of our past and also our wrongdoings.

Without repenting for our sins we cannot rejoice in every situation and also we cannot be free from fear and also we cannot enjoy the life of abundance promised to us by God.

Entire heaven rejoices over 1 sinner who repents and without comming to realisation of our sins and wrong doings we cannot repent.

Date: 20:09:2019.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 10:12- But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, “he sat down at the right hand of God.

We all have grown up from our childhood till date looking at Cross where Jesus is crucified either in our houses or in our churches or any religious places.

We have to ask ourselves whether we have understood the value of sacrifice Jesus Christ did for us by getting persecuted, shedding His precious blood, wounded and dying on the cross. If we have not understood then we will living like people in the old testament.

Jesus carried on His cross our sins, our curses, our sickness and our bondage. Today when we are struggling with sin or curse or sickness or bondage we have to remember that Jesus has already set us free. If we are not free then it is because we are trying to give up without help of Jesus.

In the olden times we had to give blood of bull, goats etc every year for atonement for our sins. Today because of blood of Jesus no other blood is needed for atonement for our sins. 

Jesus by shedding His precious blood He has transferred us from law to Grace. Because of His Grace today many sinners are repenting. 

After Jesus death and resurrection He is seated at the right hand of the Father and interceding on our behalf with the Father. If we are comiting sins every day and are alive it is only because of Jesus intercession and also His precious blood.

Date : 19:09:2019.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17- All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,  so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.

We all go to church daily,weekly and listen to the Word of God and come back and do the same things we were doing before going to church, because of this habit no matter how many times we go to church and listen sermon, many of us have either not understood the power of scripture or we just be in habitual bondage of going and coming as we go to market.

We need to understand that God has given His Word for 4 purposes.

1. TEACHING - we all because of lack of knowledge commit sin and live a life of slavery. Once we read and memorize the scripture we will gain knowledge and give up comiting sins.

2. REPROOF- scripture convinces us that truth cannot be changed but we need to change ourself as quick as possible according to the scripture.

3. CORRECTION - scriptures when we read we will understand all the wrongs we are doing, If we are alert we can find the wrong we are doing and correct ourself according to the scripture.

4. TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS- When we start doing right by obeying the scripture we will be growing in righteousness. We have to make commitment and effort to memorize at least 1 scripture a day so that by one year we will be knowing 365 scripture. 

Without scripture teaching us ,reproofing us, correcting us and also training us in righteousness,we cannot be fully equipped to defeat the works of enemy and when we are fully equipped with the power of scriptures we are going be ready every day to do good to others we know and also the ones we don't know personally.

Date: 18:09:2019.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 John 4:20- Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.

According to the Word of God we are all are called liars if we say we love God and if we do not love one another around us.

When we live in flesh it is impossible to love one another because we want to do everything what we like in the same way when we live in Spirit we will stop doing everything our way and start doing God's way according to the Word of God.

We all think that we are able to love everyone without any conditions but when we are hurt by word or deed of same people we fail to love them because of the wound and Unforgiveness. When we love God and when we are filled with God's love we will be able to love people who hate us, hurt us and also people who persecute us.

God has clearly said in His Word that if we cannot love others around us whom we can see we cannot love God whom we cannot see.

Many of us start arguments for silly reasons and do not talk or look at each other for days, weeks, months and even years.

We have to accept everyone as they are and love them by ignoring their bad qualities and highlighting their good qualities so that they will overcome bad with good.

We should not forget that we were also the same or worst than them before coming to prayers and God without asking us about our past or without highlighting our bad qualities and brought us to self realisation through His Word.

Let us make every effort to love others as they are without looking at their job or position or power or wealth or possession of material things but let us love everyone without partiality.

Date: 17: 09: 2019.

Monday, September 16, 2019


One hour of suffering there( purgatory) will be more better than hundred years of most severe penance here(earth)- IMITATION OF CHRIST.

Suffering is the greatest blessing we can ever receive from the hands of God. Question we need to ask ourself is whether we are accepting suffering for our good or try to escape from it.

Suffering on earth will benefit us to experience conversion and also increase in the love of God.

Suffering of souls in hell is for eternity and suffering of souls in purgatory is temporary.

Many of us because of our mind fixed on the things of the world cannot understand the intensity of suffering in hell as well as purgatory.

God has revealed through vision to saints and also religious about the intensity of suffering in hell and also in purgatory.

State of every souls suffering in purgatory cannot pray for themself but they depend upon the prayers of people living on this earth and also from heaven.

We need to accept every suffering coming in our life joyfully so that God will use our sufferings for penance for our sins and also reperation for our sins.

Many of us believe that only heaven and hell is existing and purgatory is not existing.

Those who believe purgatory is not existing have to read the vision given to  St. Faustina kowlaska, St. Catherine of Genoa, St. Lidwin of Schiedam, St. Padre Pio and Fr. Jose Maniyangat to understand that purgatory is really existing.

Date: 16:09:2019.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Job 25:6 - how much less a mortal, who is a maggot, and a human being, who is a worm!”

We as humans cannot raise ourself from what we are. Our value in life is our humility and not pride.

We have to always consider others better than ourself to escape from falling trap to sin of pride. We have to understand that when we are in the mortal sin of pride God will humble us through suffering, trials and tests.

We have to know that we look very small like insects when God sees us from heaven. We also have to understand that more we value us more we are going to fall. More we consider ourself low God will surely exalt us.

God after being most powerful still He loves us and take care of us like a baby in mother's arm. We need to put our pride,ego and selfishness out of our life and love God more than everything we have and also we are going to have.

 We have to understand that word of God is very vast subject and has many aspects . We cannot know 100% even if we study all our life. No matter how much we know still we need to understand that there is much more to know.

Let us not become proud and say I know everything instead let us be humble and say I want to know everything.

Date: 15:09:2019.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Be ever engaged, so that whenever the devil calls he may find you occupied-- Saint Jerome.

We have to examine ourself and see whether we are occupied always with the Word of God or we simply ignore and fall into traps of the devil.

Many of us do not even know the tactics of the devil, that's why we will not know when we are fallen trap to his deceiving schemes.

In our daily life devil will try to enter into our life by giving us suggestions through our thoughts and when we say yes to that suggestion we will be partnering with the devil.

Many of us will not have awareness of partnering with the devil and be in that partnership till we are partially destroyed or fully destroyed.

We have to engage ourself with Word of God so that when the devil visits us we have to counter attack him with the Word of God so that we can defeat him or else surely we will be defeated.

Devil cannot work anything in our life without our permission and when he works stealing, killing and destroying in our life we are solely responsible for the destruction and not the devil.

God has given His Word to us to defeat the devil and his agents. If we do not use the Word of God we cannot defeat the devil and his agents but we will be defeated by the devil and his agents.

Date: 14:09:2019.