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Saturday, February 29, 2020


Temptation is necessary to make us realize that we are nothing in ourselves-- SAINT JOSEMARIA ESCRIVA.

Temptations are many kinds, some are too strong so that we will fall into it, some are weak so that we may resist it, some are complicated so that it will confuse us.

No matter how strong we are in prayers if we are not alert we may easily fall into temptation, if we are alert then the devil may try to tempt in the same area again and again till we fall into it and only few will be able to resist the temptation with the help of power of God.

Temptations are coming our way to break our overconfidence in prayer, overconfidence in self and to make us realize we are nothing without God.

Temptations are going to come to us regarding different weakness we may have, for Some lust, for some anger, for some pride, for some hatred, for some jealousy, for some superiority complex, for some violence, for some irritation, for some failures, for some frustration, for some disappointment and so on.

When these are coming our way if we are not well equipped with the Word of God then surely we are going to fall into one or more Temptations. Only few of them rise up early and most of them stay there for years.

When we do not understand that without God we are nothing we may walk in the wrong direction even after going to church regularly. Whatever God has allowed in our life nobody can escape from it but have to go through it joyfully trusting in God and His Word.

Date: 29: 02: 2020.

Friday, February 28, 2020


Word of God clearly says in SIRACH 39:33- All the works of the Lord are good, and he will supply every need in its time.

God is good all the time and supplies all good things in our life. All the good we possess has come to us from the hands of God.

When we were living in sin also God gives us good things because of His love towards us but  because of our ingratitude towards God  we have attributed it to ourself or to others.

In today's world our Catholic brothers and sisters who believe in God completely are very few in numbers. Some of our them they believe in astrology, some in blackmagic, some in vastu, some in superstition, some in plants and so on.

When we believe that through this things something good will come in our life ,in the same time God will bless us but we think because of believing in one of the thing it has come to us  and we will spread the same to others.

It is foolishness to think that any good can come by following these things. But surely good things will come to us by following God and His Word.

God also knows when to give to us what we need so instead of crying for things we did not receive it is better to thank God for the things we have received from Him.

God is always on time and He knows exactly at which time what we need so let us not give up on God because He is not giving up on us.

Date: 28: 02: 2020.

Thursday, February 27, 2020


“Actions speak louder than words. Let your words teach and your actions speak.” SAINT   ANTHONY OF PADUA.

We are all in prayers but the biggest error we do when we are in prayers is we do not practice what we preach to others.

We are all very good in giving advice to others but in reality most of us after being in prayers we reject advice of the anointed servants of the Lord.

We have to analyze our life and check regularly whether our actions are according to our words or are we becoming hypocrites by only telling others what to do and we ourself fail to do the same.

We have to know every action of ours will be watched by one or the other people and if our actions are not matching our words then surely one or the other person will come to know and it will spread to others.

Let us first study ourself everything related to the kingdom of God and once we are thorough with it then surely let our words be to teach others the same and our actions automatically speak to others because we have laid our foundation that is Jesus Christ.

There are many things we need to know and without knowing something we should not open our mouth in front of others and make a fool out of ourself. Moment we are questioned by others and if we do not know the answer then surely we will feel embarrassed and also discouraged about prayers which in long run we may quit.

Let us all be well equipped with the Word of God so that whatever we teach others will benefit them and not destroy them.

Let us study the word of God so that we may know the truth and practice the truth and once we are trained let us speak the same truth with others. If they accept the truth they will change for good, if they reject the truth they will become worst day by day.

Date: 27: 02: 2020.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 13:24- “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able

We are all called by Jesus to enter into the narrow door. We have to understand that people who are in prayers for long also have failed to enter through the narrow door.

We may wonder what is this narrow door is all about. Narrow door is the only door which leads us to eternal life. Most of us are scared to enter through the narrow door because of the challenges we have to face inside.

The moment we decide to enter through the narrow door , devil and his companions will become active and bring as many temptations, sickness, problems so that our concentration may be on them. Devil and his companions have succeeded in keeping most of them from entering the narrow door.

This is the main reason most of the  people are choosing wide door which leads to destruction and only handpicked few choose narrow door and will not give up in any situation and successfully walk through it.

Most of the people who walk through the wide door reject corrections, argue, defend wrong, believe what they feel right. These people walk proudly on this earth till they reach the door of hell.

Let us all strive to walk through the narrow door no matter how difficult it is, as we practice walking in that road for few years then it will become part of our life. Only way to enter through the narrow door is to carry our daily cross and follow Jesus.

Date: 26: 02: 2020.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


The greatest misery does not stop Me from uniting Myself to a soul, but where there is pride, I am not there.-- St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in my Soul.

We all are prayers from long time or short time but we have to examine ourselves and see how much pride we have.

Pride, arrogance, anger, revenge all walk together as friends. When we are having pride God opposes us and when God is opposing us then surely we will be walking with devil  towards hell as God.  

We have to understand that pride is the main reason of fallen angels or devil.

When we are walking in pride we do not accept corrections and do not do anything according to the Word of God but we will do as our soul directs us.

When we are filled with pride we get angry fast and also behave badly with others. God will unite with us when we commit any other sin than pride.

God cannot dwell in people who are filled with pride no matter how many years they are in prayers. God knows that pride is the main reason for fall of humans from powerful to powerless, from rich to poor, from healthy to sick, from good to bad and from faith to unbelief.

Pride clearly says that we know everything and there is nothing anyone can teach us in the same way humility says even after knowing everything I don't know anything, I want to learn everything.

People with pride are the people who argue and do not listen to the Word of God because they are under the influence of darkness and devil is the prince of darkness and Jesus is the king of light.

Date: 25: 02: 2020. 

Monday, February 24, 2020


Word of God clearly says in JOHN 14: 1 - “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. 

When we are living in this world we should know we have to go through different situations some very good, some good, some bad and some very bad.

When we are going through very good and good situations in our life most of us will be happy and also at peace but when things turn around and become bad and very bad our heart will be troubled all the time.

Main reason for our heart to be troubled is our lack of confidence in God and overconfidence in our abilities. Our abilities will work only when everything is very good or good in our life.

When our situation becomes bad or very bad our abilities will stop working and from there but we will be in desperate need of God's abilities in our life.

We will posses God's abilities when we believe and obey Him only then we will be able to overcome any bad or very bad situation in our life.

Most of us who are having confidence in our abilities when we are going through bad and very bad situations in our life we  instead of praying and believing in God , we try to walk away from God and walk towards indecent chats on social media, pornography, alcohol, drugs, sex and many other things thinking that it will solve our problems but the truth is by doing this we walk  further away from our solutions. 

When our situation is bad, very bad and when our heart is troubled let us make a firm decision to believe in God because God is the only one who  can deliver us out of that situation because He loves us and cares for us and also God will never leave us or forsake us.

Date: 24: 02: 2020.

Sunday, February 23, 2020


Commit this sin , you can afterwards confess it - WAY AND SALVATION- SAINT ALPHONSUS LIGUORI.

One of the biggest decieit one will follow after being in prayer is we can commit any sins small and great so that we can use the help of confession to get away with it.

We have to understand that COMMIT THIS SIN, YOU CAN AFTERWARDS CONFESS IT  is one of the biggest lies of the devil which will give us freedom to commit sin and take us forward towards the final destination that is hell.

If we are committing small sins by getting influenced by the lies of the devil then very soon we will not be afraid of committing the biggest sin.

We have to be very careful about what we think, what we speak and what we do or else we may fall trap quickly.

 Let us for a moment think that we have listened to the lies of the devil and committed sin , after comiting the sin if we die before going to confession we can think how much dreadful we will be in front of the throne of judgement.

Let us not listen to the lies of the devil and go astray rather listen to the Word of God and be united with God when we live and be united with him forever after our death.

Date: 23: 02: 2020.

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 10:23- Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.

We all are praying everyday for one or the other thing which we require from the hand of God. 

Some of us receive from the hand of God what we pray immediately and most of us are delayed in receiving from the hand of God.

Sometimes God delays in giving according to His plan and when it is delayed most of us instead of being firm in our faith and hope we waver in our faith and hope and become hopeless.

The main reason for our wavering is our lack of belief in the promises of God. Many because of wavering in faith and hope they start reasoning and also questioning God.

God is faithful to His Word always and we have to understand that receiving miracles through others prayer is easy but to receive miracles with our prayers is very difficult.

In today's world people are very lazy to pray in their homes that is why they flock to novenas and retreats. When we pray and receive miracles through our prayers we will become strong in faith and hope and we will stand firm on our belief in God and His promises without wavering according to the situation.

Date : 22: 02: 2020.

Friday, February 21, 2020


The time of death will not be the time to prepare ourselves to die well, to die well and happily we must prepare ourselves beforehand- Way and Salvation- Saint ALPHONSUS LIGUORI.

Most of the people think that they can live as they want in this world with errors and always have in their mind that God is merciful but forget most of the time that God is also God of Justice.

When we live as we want and walk day by day closer to our death we will have absolutely no time to give up our bad habits, wrong passions and also attachments towards earthly goods.

We have to understand whatever we have we have to leave it here when we die. We have to leave our friends, relatives, family, children, name, fame, position, property and also all material possession we have.

We have to prepare ourselves everyday for our death so that we may not regret at the time of our death. We may think God is merciful and commit sin but in reality God is merciful for only those who fear Him and after our death He will become God of Justice.

Let us not abuse God's mercy and regret later rather use mercy of God to change ourselves and to discipline ourselves and also to prepare beforehand for our death.

Date: 21: 02: 2020.

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Word of God clearly says in SIRACH 4: 28- Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will fight for you.

In today's world people who stand for truth and fight for truth are few and people who stand for lies and fight for lies are many.

Word of God clearly says in many books of the bible that fornication, adultery, homosexuality and abortion is forbidden but the people who stand for this truth according to the Word of God are very few and most of them promote this around them considering it as natural.

Truth cannot be changed or modified according to our needs but we have to change and modify ourself according to the truth and stand for it till our death.

When we take decision to stand and fight for truth we have to know that God Almighty will be fighting the fight along with us and give us victory.

In the past there numerous martyrs who stood for truth till their death. We also have numerous saints who stood and fought for truth even in the time of severe opposition and because of their sacrifice and great commitment to the Lord  we can today proudly say we are Catholics. 

Today truth is slowly perishing in our houses, in our churches and in our neighborhood and because of this many people have lost their Faith in God by looking at the actions of people around them.

Truth cannot be changed even if nobody follows it and lies can be very costly to us at the end of our life even if the entire world follows it.

Date: 20: 02: 2020.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 6:27-28 - But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

Most of us are in prayers from many years and after being in prayers for long time still most of us love our friends and not our enemies.

If we love only our friends there will be no reward for us because even the unbelievers in the world also do the same. If we are true follower of Jesus Christ then surely we have to love our enemies as we love our friends. 

In this world when we become true followers of Jesus the people who hate us will be more than people who love us. But we have to try our best to to do good to those who hate us and also pray for their conversion of soul. Surely one or the other day the people who hate us will become our good friends.

In today's modern world physical abuse and mental abuse has become very common in our families and the main reason for this is lack of prayers and lack of love.

Today we don't have to search our enemies outside but most of our enemies are inside our families. In some families parents are enemies of their children, in some children are enemies of their parents, in some brothers and sisters are enemies, in some husband and wife are enemies and so on.

When we pray for those who hate us or abuse us or persecute us or misunderstand us or gossip about us it will be act of mercy we will be doing for them. Every act of mercy we do for others is delightful in the eyes of God and He will surely reward us.

Date: 19: 02: 2020.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 5: 32- I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Jesus left His throne and came to this world in human form to call not the righteous but to call all sinners to repentance.

Truth remains the same from the past till date that people were only interested in blessings but not interested to repent and change. That's why from the beginning till date people are busy comiting sin after sins.

We have to understand that adding sin to the past sins everyday will make repentance more difficult that is why instead of adding sins we have to try our best to subtract sins everyday from our life.

Repentance becomes very difficult when our heart and mind is on the world and repentance becomes easy when our heart and mind is on Jesus and His Word.

When we are focusing on the world then surely we will be turning our face to sin and our back to God. When we are focusing on the Word of God we will be turning our face to God and turning our back to sin.

When we repent and live a holy and righteous life then surely rewarded richly by God and also we will be honouring the suffering and death of Jesus for us.

If we are alert we will listen to the call of Jesus and change our life from sin to righteousness. If we are not alert then surely we will become worst day by day.

Date: 18: 02: 2020.

Monday, February 17, 2020


Word of God clearly says in NEHEMIAH 8: 10 - do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Most of who are in prayers get confused regarding Joy because we think joy and happiness is one and the same.

But the truth is both are different one comes from our soul and the other comes from our Spirit.

Happiness in our life depends on every situation coming our way, if the situation is favourable for us we will be happy and if the situation is unfavourable for us we immediately become sad.

Joy doesn't change according to the situation we face in the world because foundation of our joy is word of God. 

If we live according to this pattern we can be sure of being joyful always.
J - Jesus first
O - Others next
Y - Yourself last.

In this selfish and corrupt world people who give Jesus first priority, others next priority and for themselves last priority are very few in number.

We can find the people giving themselves first priority when we see them flocking in novenas and retreats, by doing this they will have joy for few days after that again they are going to be happy or sad.

Let us be joyful always no matter what situation we are facing in our life. By being joyful we can live in peace and when we live with peace devil cannot come close to us.

Date: 17: 02: 2020.

Sunday, February 16, 2020


Attribute nothing to yourself either of good you possess or of good you do -- The imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary.

In today's world people want to do good if their name is mentioned on radio or social media or tv. 

After they do good they attribute every good they do to themself without understanding that it has flowed into their hands by source of all goodness that is God Himself. 

When God does good through us to others around us and also when we are blessed by God with all the good we possess all attribute goes to God.

When we give all attribute to God for all the good we possess and also for all the good we do we will be saved by God from falling into mortal sin of pride.

When we give attribute to ourself for all the good we possess and also all the good we do then surely we will develop the sin of pride inside us. When we live with sin of pride for long then surely we are going to fall into destruction.

We have to understand that without getting connected to the source of all goodness we cannot possess any good things or do any good.

 Only when we are connected to the source of all goodness we are able to do good or possess good hence all attribute belongs to God.

Date: 16: 02: 2020.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Word of God clearly says in COLOSSIANS 3: 2-3- Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 

We are all in prayers but we have to know the reason for being in prayers.

Most of them are in prayers because of problems or sickness or sufferings but only few are in prayers to increase in the knowledge of God.

If we are in prayers because of problems or sickness or suffering then our mind is not set above but on the things that are on earth. When our mind is set on things of the earth it displays our selfishness.

All things we are going through in our life is allowed by God to change our direction towards promotion in our life we have to set our minds on things above and not on things that is of the earth. We have to die to our selfishness and grow in selflessness so that our minds are set on things above.

To set our minds on things above means nothing happening in this world will affect our prayer life. When our mind is set on things above then surely our life will hidden in Jesus. 

Date: 15: 02: 2020.

Friday, February 14, 2020


“We will either accuse ourselves or excuse ourselves.” -St. John Vianney.

In today's world sin is becoming fashionable because majority of the people are in it and most of them think that when others can do then we can also surely do.

That's why most of the people do bad things after coming to church regularly and hide their bad deeds till God exposes one day.

Some of them who come to church regularly do things which even the unbelievers won't do.

This all happens because of excusing ourselves when we are doing wrong. We excuse ourself mostly because we think we know everything or we think we are weak and commit small errors and excuse ourself. This excuse will lead us one day to the biggest error of our life which can be very costly for us.

When we accuse ourself for doing wrong and for hurting our loving God surely we will change ourself from sin to righteousness. 

We have to understand that God has given us freewill to do good or bad. God will never stop us from doing bad but it is we who have to stop by accusing ourself about the wrong we have done and repent for the same.

When we accuse ourself of every wrong we have done and go regularly for confession and try our best to give up then surely we will be walking towards our final destination that is heaven.

When we excuse ourself we will be living with errors and walking towards our final destination that is hell or purgatory. 

We have to stop excusing ourselves and start accusing ourself for the sin we have committed and change for better.

Date: 14: 02: 2020.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Word of God clearly says in PSALMS 118:6- With the Lord on my side I do not fear. What can mortals do to me?

We are all in prayer from many years or many months but most of us are either fearful of people or situation or sickness or suffering.

We have to understand that God has allowed everything in our life according to His plan and purpose. Only if we are courageous we will be able to walk till the end or else we may fall into oppression and depression.

Devil always tries to shift our focus from God to problems, the moment he is successful in doing it we develop fear. 

We have to understand that when God is with us no one in this world can stand against us or fight against us. When we obey God's word in critical situation He will surely come to our rescue. 

When we are in prayer devil sends many people in our life who are lamb outside and ferocious wolf from inside, if we are alert God will show them to us and if we are not alert then we will open door of destruction in our life.

God calls everyone of us to be courageous and if we are courageous then surely we can face any people big or small, rich or poor or powerful or weak.

When God is with us we will have courage to face any person. When God is with us no one will dare to come against us and if they come against us also if we do not react then as promised God will take His vengeance on them.

Date: 13: 02: 2020.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Word of God clearly says in ROMANS 7: 19- For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.

We all want to be good and do good but most of us become bad  and do do bad because of this many of us wonder about the reason behind this.

The main reason behind this is sin. When we are committing sins after being in prayer and when we give our consent to sin that sin will take control of our life and make us do things we do not want to do.

When we do things that we do not want to do then we should understand that it is not we who are doing bad but the sin which is inside of us.

We have to get rid of that sin to do what we want to do. To get rid of that sin we have to treat that sin as our enemy but the real truth is most of us make sin our friend. 

God has promised us to deliver us from our enemies and not our friends.

Most of us are attracted towards sin because of the pleasure in it. More we are into it more we are in want of it. This path if we walk for long then surely destruction is going to come upon us.

Just by saying prayers one cannot become strong but by obeying the Lord surely we will. 
Let treat every sin big and small the same way so that we may grow in alertness. Let us try our level best to good and ask Lord help when we are doing bad.

Date: 12: 02: 2020.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


“Hear the other side.”-- SAINT AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO.

In this world today we see many people who come to church regularly and also those who come once in a while make opinion about others by listening to one side of the story.

Most of them do not even understand that there is only half truth in one side of the story and if we really want to know the whole truth then we have to listen to the other side of the story.

In today's world people just passing time on social media by speaking badly about others without knowing the whole truth and also commenting badly on things they don't like only because they do not understand.

Those who listen to one side of the story always make rash decision and also judge others badly. 

When we spread rumors listening to someone and  if there is no truth in that then we will be responsible for all the damage done to the person or organization.

We have to be careful and should not act hastily without knowing full truth or else we may look like fools if we spread lies as truth.

We have to understand because of listening to the one side of the story many relationships between husband and wife, brothers and sisters, parents and children and many more are ruined.

Let us be attentive to everything others share with us directly or on social media we have to see if it is helpful in building others then surely we can share with others and if it is exposing or destroying others reputation then we should cut it off then and there so that it will not spread.

11: 02: 2020.

Monday, February 10, 2020


“The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – St. John Vianney.

In today's church people who give respect to the priest have become few. Most of them either criticize them or gossip about them and condemn them.

Recently we had a incident of priest comiting suicide and people of that place started condemning parish priest and bishop for the incident and they started to spread hate to such extent that they were speaking through whatsapp audio message about removing the priestly robe of parish priest and bishop.

Truth is we have not chosen priest or bishop  by casting our vote but they have been chosen by God, so we do not have any right to remove them no matter what they do. When they are chosen by God we do not have any right to talk about them. By talking about priest badly will bring us curse instead of blessing.

Before talking badly about the priest, let us examine ourself and see whether we are free from all sin. If we are not free from all sin then we have lost right to speak about others sin.

 All the priest may not be the same some may be Holy, some may be unholy, some may be kind, some may be harsh, some may be compassionate, some may be rude, some behaving very good, some behaving very bad. No matter what they do we do not have any right to condemn or criticize them in public but we need to talk with them one to one and sort it in secret.

Some Catholics are so senseless that they condemn priest and religious on media thinking that they will become famous but the truth is they will inherit curse for speaking badly about the anointed of the lord.

Let us from today make serious effort to pray for priests we know and also love them as they are and also see in them Lord Jesus.

Date: 10: 02: 2020.

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 1 PETER 3:9- Do not repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse; but, on the contrary, repay with a blessing. It is for this that you were called—that you might inherit a blessing.

In today's world we have people who are going to church from long time or short time one thing is common with them because of lack of knowledge they repay abuse for abuse and evil for evil. 

This is the main reason for disunity in the church. People like praises from others but when it comes to people who abuse or do evil to them instead of praying for them they gossip about them.

God has told us in His word that we should not abuse those who abuse us or we should not do evil to those who do evil to us but we have to bless them so that we may be blessed.

Today people to do evil to those who do evil to them by using help of witchcraft, blackmagic. But the truth is once they get into that trap they will struggle to come out of it.

Let us bless every one who abuse us or do evil to us and also pray for their conversion.

Date: 09: 02: 2020.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 28: 27- Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but one who turns a blind eye will get many a curse.

We all may be very good in asking Lord one or the other thing but most of us very bad in giving.

We have to examine ourself and see how many times we have passed by poor people on the road or near the church or near our house and walked away without giving anything when we had.

Only if our heart is generous we will be able to give to the poor. Whenever we see the poor our heart speaks with our mind to give something even if it is little. The person who is poor and needy for him the little we give will become everything.

Most of us have money to buy expensive things to our children, we have money to celebrate the occasion,  We have money to buy expensive gifts,we have money to buy unwanted things but we don't have money to give to the poor, this displays our selfishness. More we are selfish more we will be far from the Lord.

We have to understand when we are generous to the poor surely God will reward us and also we will lack nothing in our life. When we act like a blind person when we see a poor or needy we instead of getting blessing we receive curse.

Being generous to the poor and the needy will always bring us joy and also  we will have satisfaction when we give to those who cannot give us back.

In today's church most of the people act fake and help others when they are in need and ask back the money the moment they get job. These type of people are hypocrites and also like unbelievers.

Let us practice giving with cheerful heart in whatever small way we can and when we practice giving our heart will cultivate the fruit of Generosity in abundance.

Date: 08: 02: 2020.

Friday, February 7, 2020


Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence--SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES.

We all after being Catholics most of us do not practice devotion of Holy Rosary in our houses. 

Most of us when we are going through difficult situation instead of asking intercession of Mother Mary we simply get worried and depressed.

When we were small and were having problem or when we were sick we used to run to our mother for solutions, our mother comforted us in our problems through her advice and in our sickness through her care. In the same way when we are going through problems big or small and sickness big or small we have to run near Mother of God. She will surely intercede on behalf of us to her son Jesus and get us the miracle we need. 

Mother Mary is so gentle and kind after being so powerful. She is loving and humble after being the queen of heaven and earth. 

Let us with confidence run to Mother Mary when we are going through difficult times so that her prayers will surely brings for us great miracles and consolation.

Date: 07: 02: 2020.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 1 PETER 3:17- For it is better to suffer for doing good, if suffering should be God’s will, than to suffer for doing evil. 

In today's world people who are suffering because of doing evil are more and people who suffer for doing good very few in number.

  We all because of the influence of the world think everything happening around us is right and we without thinking twice we start practicing in our life. When we practice doing right according to the world and wrong according to the Word of God for long then surely we have to go through just suffering for doing evil. 

There are also few who go through suffering after being righteous. They have to go through suffering  so that they may learn to imitate their master Jesus who went through all the suffering and also died on the cross without doing anything wrong. These type of suffering is called unjust suffering. We can see unjust suffering in the life of saints especially in the life of SAINT PADRE PIO and SAINT ALPHONSA.

Those go through just suffering because of doing evil if they are obedient and change then surely they will be journeying from hell to heaven. 
Those who go through unjust suffering and be obedient throughout their suffering they will be richly rewarded by the Lord and also God will use them to bring others to His kingdom.

It is better to go through unjust suffering and suffer according to God's will rather than go through just suffering because of doing evil.

Date: 06: 02: 2020.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often. -Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman.

We are all in prayers in different levels of faith, some are infants (beginners), some are youth( half way) and only few are adults ( mature) in prayer.

Question we have to ask ourselves is not which category of faith we belong but how much we have changed.

People who belong to infant faith think they know everything when they know little and stumble very badly because of speaking to others the things they do not know. When these people stumble most of the people do not rise up quickly but only few rise up quickly will change for good and move forward to the next level, rest quit prayer thinking that it is not for them.

People who belong to youth faith know  more than infants and they try use their knowledge to impress others rather than using it for their own change and because of this they change a little and after a while stumble and start all over again. When they catch up with the same situation again and again some succeed towards higher journey of mature faith and rest quit and reach to the infant level.

People who belong to adult or mature faith are those who have learnt to fight the battle and have become victorious. Only people who are mature in faith try to change themselves not in one area but many areas of their life and try to become perfect.

To change one wrong thing might be easy for us but to change hundred wrong in us will be uphill task. We have to seek help of God who is100% perfect. Only with help of God we can reach perfection in everything we say or we do in our life.

Date: 05: 02: 2020.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Word of God clearly says in EPHESIANS 5:1- Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.

We are all called to imitate God in our life. To imitate God we require lots of discipline in our words and deeds. 

We after getting influenced by the people in this world try to imitate and build in ourself desire to become like them. Most of the people try to to imitate rich people or movie stars or sports personality or political personality but those who want to imitate God are very few because it is very uphill task.

When we have to imitate God then we have to know each and everything about God especially about His words and His works. 

Without understanding the Word of God it is impossible to understand about God anything and the best way to learn about God in every single details is through the saints of the past.

Let us examine ourself whether we are imitating God in our life by checking few things.

 Firstly God forgives us every sin of ours whether it is big or small in the same way whether we are forgiving others.
      Secondly God was merciful and patient towards us when we were sinners whether we are merciful and patient about sinners around us. 
           Thirdly God comforted us in our troubles through His Word, whether we are comforting others through our words in their troubles.    
           Fourthly God transformed our life of sin into life of faith, holiness and righteousness in the same way are we transforming others life the same. 

There are still many more we need to do to imitate God these are 4 most important ones. If we are not doing any of these we should be sure that we are not imitating God.

Date: 04: 02: 2020.