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Monday, August 31, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.


God loved the world He created from the beginning but the people were in a bad habit of crying for God when in problems and forget Him when He solves their problems. This bad practice was going on from the beginning and it is very sad to see the same in today’s generations also.


God loves everyone living in the world no matter how they live. God loves the sinner as well as holy but people misunderstood God and were very stubborn and would not obey Him, because of this He sent many prophets to explain them about His commandments but more the prophets try to teach them more they rebelled against God. They killed many prophets of the lord for proclaiming the truth and others they silenced them by force and because of this God had to come up with His master plan to send His only son Jesus in human form to save people from sin.


Jesus was born in the womb of Mother Mary who was prepared by God beforehand and the moment He was born devil made plans to kill Him through Herod when He was small and through people who wanted to push him from the cliff, others who wanted to stone Him and also many others to question Him and trap Him.


At last devil succeeded by putting betrayal in the mind of Judas one of the apostle and also used High priest To proclaim His death, This happened according to God’s plan and devil didn’t have a hint of it. Without high priest saying “it is better that one man should die instead of whole nation”made God’s plan perfect to accept Jesus sacrifice and death on the cross from the hands of High priest.


Jesus suffered unbearable pain on the Cross and He fell down 3 times because of the weight of our sins which He was carrying on His shoulders. Devil after succeeded in his mission also did not keep quiet but used the thief and soldiers to taunt Him when He was on the Cross .The moment Jesus said Father into Your hands I commend my spirit and breathe His last that was the glorious moment for God and dreadful moment for the devil because devil was defeated and was bound with chain for 1000 years.


Through Jesus sacrifice on the cross we will be saved from sin and inherit eternal life. Saving is the greatest act of Jesus we can see in our life. Jesus loves us that’s why He gave His life for us.



Date: 31: 08: 2020.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



If you are determined to damn your soul, do it alone: but do not cause your weak brother to perish for whom Christ died. -- Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose.


In this world where we live we find people who are believers and also people who are unbelievers, people who are careful and careless, people who are mature and immature, people who are holy and evil.


We may have people in our family, friends and community people who are unbelievers, careless, immature and evil. When we live among all these people we have to be very careful so that we may not fall in their traps.

If we are in prayer then it is our responsibility to pray for them so that they may give up what they are doing and start doing what God has called them to do.


God uses our prayer to evangelise in our homes without the other knowing about it. Once they change they will thank God for making us pray for them.


We have to understand that prayer always saves us from our sinful life and transfer us to the life of Grace Jesus has prepared for us.


We see in today’s world especially famous personalities are leading people with bad example by promoting Homosexuality, pornography, sex, drugs, alcohol, branded luxury goods and so on. People who are fans of them try to imitate them in everything they do. We have to understand that we can imitate whoever we want as we are given freewill but we have to understand that on the day of judgement if the same famous personality perishes to hell then we as their followers will also go with them.


Let us be alert always so that we may not imitate anyone living in this world but let us imitate Jesus in our life so that we may not be deceived but we will surely change for good.


Date: 30: 08: 2020.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!


God’s word clearly says that when we are in Christ we are going to become a new creation. When we understand this word new creation plainly we wonder how it is possible. When we understand the deep meaning of this word this is referring to the transformation of our corrupted Spirit into pure.


To understand Spirit clearly understand that we are all divided into 3 parts Body, soul and Spirit. We have to know that  without body there will not be no existence of us on this earth and without soul body cannot exist if it exist also it will dangerous for us. God is Spirit so He has to live in a place called body.


We may wonder what soul is all about. Soul is nothing but our 5 senses that is to see, to smell, to hear, to feel and to taste. Without having soul we would be living with danger every day. For example when we are crossing the road we have to see and hear or else vehicle might hit us and there is possibility that we may die. When we are at home and cooking we have smell, we have to taste, we have to see and also we have to taste.


These are some of the possibilities of danger we may face if our soul is not there. Gas leak can explode because of not smelling or we may cut our hand because of not seeing or we may burn our self because of not feeling or we may spoil the food because of not tasting.


Spirit is similar to the soul but in the Spirit everything of God will stored so we may draw from it His goodness. When we are in Christ we will become new creation in our Spirit. When our Spirit is created new everything which corrupted in our Spirit will be cleansed and made new. When this process begins we start doing things connected to God more and things connected to the World less.


When we are created new in our Spirit we will surely grow in faith and also experience conversion of our soul. If we are struggling with sin then surely we have to ask God to help us so that we may grow in His kingdom and also bring many lost souls to Him


Date: 29: 08: 2020.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



We must believe in no one but God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - Catechism of the Catholic Church 178.


We all are in prayers but we have to ask ourselves about whether we have built a relationship with Holy Trinity that is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.


First we must Know Him to believe Him, to know Him we must know His Word, without knowing Word of God it is not possible to know God. Truth is most of us do not know the Word of God, we do not practice reading the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation all 73 books but most of us practice shortcuts by reading Mass reading or verse of the day.


When we practice shortcuts we cannot experience God Fully but partially that is why most of us struggle when crisis comes in our life.


Our belief in God will be complete only when we stand strong with the Word of God in midst of all storms or trials or sufferings or sickness or tribulations or problems we go through.


We have to understand one thing clearly that our relationship with God will save our life when we are going through hard times or else we will fall into oppression, depression , despair and it will end in suicide.


God’s Word is the only help we have in midst of all our adverse situations. Without God’s Word it would be impossible to overcome difficult situations. We may try ourselves to solve problems but instead of making the problem better we will make it worst.


We have to believe in God 100% and in people very less because God will save us but people may deceive us and make our situation hard. Let us make a decision to believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit so that we will stand like a rock unmoved in midst of any problems.


Date: 28: 08: 2020.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Psalm 33:18 - Truly the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love,



We are all living with people who are having strong faith, some are weak in faith and some are unbelievers. When we live in between them, we have to be very careful that we may not be influenced by them and quit prayer life and go back to the world.


We all should have the fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord does not mean dreadful fear but reverence towards Him. We cannot have fear of the Lord unless we develop fear towards His Word. Truth is most of us take the Word of God for granted that is why other denomination people set a trap for us. If we know the Word of God well, no one will dare to come close to us to say that we are practicing wrong.


Many of our Catholic brothers and sisters have fallen trap set by other denominations and are learning the Word of God by force. God has given freewill to everyone of us to choose either Good or evil. God respects the freewill given to us and He will never force us to read His Word or do His will. Our Catholic Church also respects the freewill and never forces anyone to do anything and because of this our Catholic brothers and sisters have become lazy and take everything about God for granted.


 We have to understand that eyes of the Lord are always on those who fear Him. We cannot have fear of the Lord when we live in ignorance and negligence. When we grow our confidence in the Word of God surely we will experience great miracles from God. When we have fear of the Lord our hope in Him will increase and doubt will flee away from us.


If we do not have reverence towards God then we will be praising God when good things happen in our life and complain when something bad happens in our life. We have to understand God has allowed every bad things in our life so that through His goodness we may overcome it.


Let us have reverence towards the Word of God so that we may have reverence towards Him so that we may change from sin to righteousness.



Date: 27: 08: 2020.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



It is better to say one Our Father fervently and devoutly than a thousand with no devotion and full of distraction. — Saint Edmund.


In today’s world people are in hurry to finish everything connected to their work and because of that they develop the same attitude towards prayer.


Prayer hurriedly said will not be so powerful compared to prayer said slowly and with devotion. Today we see people moment they enter the Church for Holy Mass they start seeing the watch to understand when it will finish. We see new trend in the church about people coming to Holy Mass whenever they want, some come 5 minutes late, some when sermon is going on and some come in the end and receive Eucharist and go home without standing for final blessings.


We cultivate the same habit in our houses by reciting Holy Rosary within 10 minutes and sometimes we switch to Divine Mercy Chaplet which will finish in 3 minutes. Most of us want to finish prayers and do want to recite with devotion, which is the main reason for not experiencing the power of prayer in our life.


We have to understand that prayer said with devotion is always powerful than thousands of prayers said hurriedly. We sometime lack concentration in reciting the prayer because of so many things filled in our mind.


We can pray with our mind or we can pray with our Spirit, when we pray with our mind we may not be able to recite prayer with devotion and because of this we find ourselves distracted and doing unwanted things in middle of prayers. When we pray with our Spirit we will have full concentration and also our prayers will be very powerful.


Let us from today make a decision to recite prayer with devotion so that we may experience the power of prayer and overcome great and small situations in our life.



Date: 26: 08: 2020.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


If you love God generosity must be the chief characteristic of your love, A narrow and selfish heart does not know what it is to love.-- Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose.


In today’s world people who are generous are very few and people who are selfish are many. When we live a selfish life then we will love those who love us and hate those who hate us.

If we love those who love us then surely there is no reward for us because all sinners and unbelievers also do the same.


Generosity is not connected only to money but to other things. We have to ask ourselves whether we are generous in giving our time to others, whether we are generous in helping the needy, whether we are generous in serving God, whether we are generous in helping the poor with the best we can and so on.


If we are selfish we will not know how to love others because our mind will be narrow and limited to us only. We have all the time to do everything possible so that our life will be comfortable and when we come across people with brokenness we just walk away from them.


Selfishness will always make us focus on ourselves and when we dwell in it for long time then surely we will be connected to the world and devil more than God. When we are filled with selfishness then we cannot serve God who is selfless. When we are selfish we miss many graces God wants to bestow upon us and also our relationship with God also will be weak.




Date: 25: 08: 2020.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.


We all may be in prayers everyday but we have to ask ourselves whether we have stood strong in the time of testing. For most of us the answer will come No. We all like to pray but we all do not like to go through test because of dangers, helplessness, traps and obstacles on the way.


God knows what are our strength and also our weakness. He knows our potential to bear pain and according to that He will bestow upon us everything which we will be able to bear it silently.


We are getting oppressed and depressed in the times of testing because our mind is attacked by the enemy giving us all wrong suggestions. We have to understand that testing from the Lord comes in our life so that God will clearly know through this who will stand for Him and who will go against Him.


We sometimes feel that problems are too much for us only because our focus is on problems and not on the Word of God. When our focus is on the Word of God no matter how big is our problem still we will have strength of the Lord to overcome it.


God is always faithful to His Word and He will never forsake us or abandon us but He will take us through the danger paths and when we trust in Him fully, He will only reach us to the safe place.


Let us not only pray every day but also believe in Him without having any doubt when we face adverse situations in our life. When we believe in God and His Word in most difficult situations our confidence and faith in Him increases and when our confidence and faith increases in the Lord then surely we will be surely rewarded with great things which we could not have achieved even if we have to work all our life.


Date: 24: 08: 2020.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



So it is that "the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians."– Catechism of the Catholic Church 849.


Our entire Christian community is standing strong today because of the sacrifice of all the martyrs beginning from the apostles to the saints to great people around the world.


Today people who honour all martyrs are very few and also very few people understand the value of their blood. Because of their sacrifice we can proudly say we are Christian.


In today’s world we find martyrs very rare because most of us do not even know to manage small problems, when we do not know to overcome problems then it is next to impossible to give our life for the sake of kingdom of God.


We have to understand that the blood of Jesus laid the foundation to the Church and the same zeal was spread across the world with the blood of martyrs. God chose some great personalities to become martyrs who were willing to die for the sake of Gospel.


In today’s world people are not ready to bear the pain which is the consequences for their sin, so it is not possible for them to bear pain for the sake of the kingdom of God.


Let us put our total confidence in God and His Word so that we may be able to bear any pain, suffering, trials or tribulations destined for us by God to take us on the journey of higher calling.


In today’s world God may not need martyrs like of old but He requires people who are ready to die for their selfishness so that God can use them as His servant to proclaim His message to the people around the world. In today’s world people are in want of the Word of God but there is very few to make them understand well and also to guide them in right path only because people who preach conversion of soul are very few in numbers.



Date: 23: 08: 2020.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



God gives each one of us sufficient grace ever to know His holy will, and to do it fully. -Saint Ignatius of Loyola.


God’s Grace has come in search of all the lost ones so that they may know Him and do everything which is written in His Word.


Everyone of us are getting equal opportunity to know God but only few accept the opportunity and start learning about God.


Today’s situation of Corona virus is the classic example that God is providing sufficient Grace to everyone to know Him and through His Grace in past  few months millions of people have received the help of God and through that they are getting to know Him.


God always comes in the right time to save us but the real truth is we are not aware of it because of our focus on the problems and if we are aware we have to ask ourselves whether we have thanked Him for doing good things in our life. If we do not grab the  opportunity provided to us by God with both hands then we will be in serious danger of perishing because of believing in devils lies.


We all can give different excuses to escape from prayers but we have to understand that our excuses doesn’t work on the day of Judgement because God is going to pass judgement on us either heaven or purgatory or hell and we do not have any options to choose but have go to the place to where we have received judgement.


God is very fair in His judgement because He is God of justice and He passes judgement on rich and poor without any partiality. God’s judgement will always be fair so there is no one who can say it is wrong but we have just accept it and go to the place where we are destined.



Date: 22: 08: 2020.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Luke 3:8 A-  Bear fruits worthy of repentance.


In today’s world we find people who are in prayers from many years and also people who are in prayers from few years but the real truth is we have to analyze our life and see whether we have cultivated the fruits of Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) in our life. If we have not cultivated fruits of the Holy Spirit then surely there is something wrong in our prayer or intention of coming to prayer.


Gifts of God we get freely when we repent so we do not have to work very hard to receive it. But to cultivate the fruits of the Holy Spirit it requires lots of hard work, commitment, courage and faith.


God clearly says in His words that if we are good tree then surely we will bear good fruit and if we are bad tree we will surely bear bad fruit.


Most of the people who are coming to prayers are coming because they want solutions for some problems or health issues they have and once they get the solutions to their problems they slip slowly out of prayer into the world again.


We have to come to prayer not get something out of it but to grow our relationship with God strong. When we have good relationship with God, we will receive from God more than what we think or imagine or ask from Him.


We all have become bad tree bearing bad fruit because of the influence of the world and because of this we have messed up our life and also we have messed up many relationship and when we truly repent and with the Grace of God and become Good tree we will be able to bear good fruits and also our life of mess will become great message for others around us and also all the relationship which was strained in the past will be repaired and restored.


Let us repent with all our heart for all the past mistakes and disobedience towards God so that we will bear fruits of the Holy Spirit which will make us one of a kind among all the people living around us.


Date: 21: 08: 2020.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Crosses are the richest gifts which God can bestow upon his creatures. And when they willingly accept of them, it is the most acceptable sacrifice they can offer to their Creator. -- Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose.


Way of Holy cross destined for us is the richest of all blessing we receive from the hands of God because through Holy Cross our sins are purified, our soul is converted and also our life will be pleasing to God.


In today’s world most of the preachers are busy preaching people about money and health so that people may focus only on that. Most of the people have fallen trap to that so wherever miracles happen regarding money and health there people will be flocking and wherever suffering is preached we find very few people going.


Money and health cannot save us, we have to understand that even after having lots of money and good health still our soul can perish in hell but those who accept crosses joyfully may look like fools to the worldly people but they are walking towards heaven.


Crosses are destined for us not to destroy but to purify, cleanse us from the stain of sin and save us from the eternal punishment. We all may think after death it’s easy to go through punishment but it is not true as many saints say that 1 day in purgatory is equal to 80 years of suffering and joy on earth.


Cross is not easy to go through if we do not have prayer life. Without prayer every small crosses will be hard to carry that’s why most of us want to quit prayer because of the cross thinking that we have received it because of being in prayer. Truth is Cross can come into our life anytime when we are in prayer or also when we are not in prayer. If we accept it joyfully then surely that same cross will shape our future life.


We have to understand that everyone doesn’t receive the same cross but it will be given to everyone by God according to His plan and purpose. We have to know that bigger the cross, bigger will be the plan and purpose of God for our life.


Let us accept Cross which is the biggest blessing ever we can receive from the loving hands of God Almighty. Let us accept it joyfully and receive the final reward from the Lord for bearing it in silence.



Date: 20: 08: 2020.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Isaiah 61:8 - For I the Lord love justice,
I hate robbery and  wrongdoing;
I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.



God’s Word says that He loves justice; If we love God then we will also love justice. Justice is one of the 4 cardinal virtues we have to grow into. Justice is not very easy to practice unless we are serious about it. For example we have gone to buy something where the shop is busy and we buy food of 200 and give 500 and get back change of 1000 most of us walk away taking it but only those who practice justice give the extra money back. This is the smallest example we can think of and there are thousands of other things we come across daily we have to practice justice.


God hates robbery and wrongdoing but most of the people in this world live with it. Robbery is not meaning that we are physically robbing all the time, sometimes we will be doing using media. Many are having fake profiles robbing someone’s name, many hack others email and other accounts to rob their identity for few hours or few days. Many are robbing God by not paying tithes cheerfully, people will come to God when they are in the receiving end and when they have to give then slowly walk away from God.


Wrongdoing is the result of lack of knowledge and ignorance. People are practicing wrongdoing one or the other way. Every wrongdoing of ours is disobedience towards the Word of God. For example many religious, our brothers and sisters involve themselves in things connected to evil like yoga, reiki, art of living, karate, witchcraft, bowing to idols and many more that is why those who practice occult things no matter how much they pray they never grow mature in faith.


God will always faithful to His Word and He will never go against it anytime. When we try our best to live a life pleasing to Him, He will shower grace to our life to make us qualify to receive miracles but most of us think that we have received miracle because of our prayer. Without Grace of God we would have always fallen short by little to receive the miracle from His hands.



Date: 19: 08: 2020.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and Lo, I am with you always, until the close of the age."– Catechism of the Catholic Church 849.


Go make disciples of all nations is looking like rare Word in this modern corrupt world. We see most of the people involved in their daily routine to earn their living and only few people who work to earn their living and side by side work to build the kingdom of God on this earth.


God wants many to take His call seriously to convert the soul of sinners and unite them to Him. We may start evangelisation with few people as we move forward with Jesus by our side it will grow to hundreds, thousands, lakhs and millions in a few years time.


Even if 1 person takes responsibility to convert soul of 1 person within few years whole world will be converted. But the truth is hardly not even 1% of people get involved in evangelisation and rest 99% live in the danger of perishing and destroyed in the world.



Jesus has given us this command to make disciples of all nations and He has promised to be with us till end of ages so that we may not fear thinking we are alone.


To make disciples of all nations, first of all we have to learn everything we have to teach others from Jesus ourselves and once we are confident we can go with the power of the Word of God and also with our testimonies so that they will be convinced about God.


Today’s world where everything happens instantly starting from instant coffee, cooking gas, washing machine and many other things which has made our work easy and because of this we think  that God’s kingdom also can be achieved instantly but the truth is it will take time and also our strong commitment and patience. We have to learn for years and once we are ready God will send us on the mission well equipped with His Word and wisdom.



Date: 18: 08: 2020.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Isaiah 35:4 - Say to those who are of a fearful heart, “Be strong, do not fear! Here is your God. He will come with vengeance with terrible recompense. He will come and save you.”


We are in the midst of worst hit global crisis of virus and because of this many have lost their peace, many have lost their jobs, many have lost their health, many have fallen trap to fear, many are in confusion, and many are worried about their future.


All this is happening because God wants to lead us through new direction where we can find peace, job, health, courage, confidence and security. Everything what we need is not in the world but surely in the Word of God.


Word of God is the only hope for us to overcome this crisis. God is preparing all the fearful to be courageous so that He can work great miracles in their life. With the help of the Word of God we will be living in peace in midst of all the disturbances around us.


If we put our total confidence in the Word of God then surely God will come and save us from whatever we are going through. We should not fear those who are troubling us because God has said Vengeance is mine. If we leave it to God in the right time God will show His vengeance and the people who were troubling us find themselves busy solving their problems and because of this they do not have any more time to trouble us.


God knows when to take right decision at the right time and save us. We have to thank God for all He has done and also for all He is going to do.


We have to understand that God will do everything in His time perfectly. He knows what He is doing; only thing we have to know is that God needs from us courage, faith, Love and patience. If we have courage, faith, Love and patience then surely God will do everything which He has promised to us through His Word. Let us offer all our enemies into the hands of God so that let Him take vengeance in His time.


Date: 17: 08: 2020.