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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Acts 2:38 - “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


We are all called by God to repent from all our sins but the truth is we are not interested in it because of getting more interested in chasing material wealth of the world.


Repenting for all the sins we have committed in our life requires great discipline, commitment and patience from us. Sometimes we think we have repented for all the sins and suddenly we find ourselves dwelling in the same sin we have repented. We have to understand if any mortal sin for which we have repented, if it returns back in our life then it surely indicates to us that our repentance is not complete but it is in process. When we decide to repent for our sins we have to understand sometimes it may take months but sometimes it may take years and sometimes lifelong if we are stubborn and rebellious.


Repenting means turning our back to sin and turning our face to God so that we may experience great things from the Lord. When we start repenting for our sins God fill us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If we have not received gifts of the Holy Spirit till now it clearly shows that we have not taken firm decision to repent for our sins and change our life for better.


God doesn’t want to give gifts of the Holy Spirit to some but to everyone but the truth is only few who repent enjoy the gifts from God and others live their life asking others who are filled with the gifts of God prayers. When we are filled by the gifts of God we will not ask for prayers but we will start praying for others.


Gifts of the Holy Spirit is priceless and we cannot compare the gifts of Holy Spirit with most valuable things of the world because only gift of God saves us from desperate situations and most valuable things cannot save us in our desperate situations, that is why we see rich people committing suicide for small reasons in the same way the person possessing the gifts of Holy Spirit overcome most difficult situations and be victorious.


Date: 04: 08: 2020.

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