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Monday, August 10, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



All spirituality, with regard to them, consists in words. Indeed it is easier to speak of it, than to practice it. -- Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose.


Spiritual growth of a person doesn’t depend on how much he knows but how much he does. We are all in the spiritual journey from few days or few months or few years. It really doesn’t matter how long we are in prayers, but what really does matter is how much we have grown.


Most of us claim to be in prayers for years but after being in prayers for years we have not stopped asking others for prayers. When we are asking others to pray after being in prayers for years shows our lack of trust and confidence in God.


We have to understand that asking others prayers in most difficult situations is going to help us but asking prayers with others for everything small we are going through will not help us to grow.


God has allowed every situation in our life to teach us the language of faith. Language of faith cannot be learned by people who think they know everything but only those who think they do not know anything. God is ready to teach those who do not know anything.


Let us give up everything we have learnt when we were in the world and learn everything from God as an infant. Whenever God teaches us something new let us be quick to apply the same to our life so that we may understand how it works.


We have to practice reading the Word of God daily and apply the same word when we are going through adverse situation so that we may experience great miracles through that Word of God.


Truth is most of our Catholic brothers and sisters are lazy to pray at their homes and they come to church just to fulfil the obligations. When we become lazy in praying at our homes it is sure that we will miss great miracles from God and we have to live satisfied with small miracles which happens once in a while.


We have to understand that to speak Word of God by looking at the Bible is very easy but to carry the Bible in our hearts is difficult and living according to the Word of God daily is very difficult that is why only few of us live according to the Word of God.


We have to practice to live every Word of God in our life so that the same Word God becomes reality in our life. Let us ask God His grace everyday so that we can practice His Word daily in our life.



Date: 10: 08: 2020.

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