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Friday, August 14, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Romans 3: 23 - since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;


We are all sinners and that is why we all have fallen short of the glory of God. We all may think we are better than others but when it comes to sin all are same.


Sin has pleasure built inside of it and that’s why to enjoy the pleasure people fall trap to sin easily. Devils main work is to give us suggestion to commit sin but he doesn’t have power to make us commit sin unless we say yes and partner with him.


We have to understand the difference between God and devil. God has His own power, no one can say prayers and increase it or quit prayers and decrease it. Devil on the other way doesn’t have power of his own that’s why he will go to people with ignorance and lack of knowledge and pours in suggestion through their thoughts and many as soon as they accept it and give power belonging to them to the devil to steal, kill and destroy their life.


We all have to understand that we have given approval to the devil and because of that we have committed sin, once we commit sin then devil has nothing to do with it but we are solely responsible for that sin and we have to go through the consequences of sin.


If anyone says that they do not have sin then they are liars and they do not have any truth in them. We all have sinned means not a single individual in this world is without sin but the degree of sin may differ from person to person. Some may be sinning in a big way and some in small way. No matter whether we are committing big or small sin, we have to accept ourselves as sinners in requirement of God’s mercy and forgiveness all the time and we have to repent and give up sin so that we may obtain God’s mercy in our life, through the mercy and Grace of God our life will surely change for good.



Date: 14: 08: 2020.

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