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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



It is better to say one Our Father fervently and devoutly than a thousand with no devotion and full of distraction. — Saint Edmund.


In today’s world people are in hurry to finish everything connected to their work and because of that they develop the same attitude towards prayer.


Prayer hurriedly said will not be so powerful compared to prayer said slowly and with devotion. Today we see people moment they enter the Church for Holy Mass they start seeing the watch to understand when it will finish. We see new trend in the church about people coming to Holy Mass whenever they want, some come 5 minutes late, some when sermon is going on and some come in the end and receive Eucharist and go home without standing for final blessings.


We cultivate the same habit in our houses by reciting Holy Rosary within 10 minutes and sometimes we switch to Divine Mercy Chaplet which will finish in 3 minutes. Most of us want to finish prayers and do want to recite with devotion, which is the main reason for not experiencing the power of prayer in our life.


We have to understand that prayer said with devotion is always powerful than thousands of prayers said hurriedly. We sometime lack concentration in reciting the prayer because of so many things filled in our mind.


We can pray with our mind or we can pray with our Spirit, when we pray with our mind we may not be able to recite prayer with devotion and because of this we find ourselves distracted and doing unwanted things in middle of prayers. When we pray with our Spirit we will have full concentration and also our prayers will be very powerful.


Let us from today make a decision to recite prayer with devotion so that we may experience the power of prayer and overcome great and small situations in our life.



Date: 26: 08: 2020.

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