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Monday, August 17, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Isaiah 35:4 - Say to those who are of a fearful heart, “Be strong, do not fear! Here is your God. He will come with vengeance with terrible recompense. He will come and save you.”


We are in the midst of worst hit global crisis of virus and because of this many have lost their peace, many have lost their jobs, many have lost their health, many have fallen trap to fear, many are in confusion, and many are worried about their future.


All this is happening because God wants to lead us through new direction where we can find peace, job, health, courage, confidence and security. Everything what we need is not in the world but surely in the Word of God.


Word of God is the only hope for us to overcome this crisis. God is preparing all the fearful to be courageous so that He can work great miracles in their life. With the help of the Word of God we will be living in peace in midst of all the disturbances around us.


If we put our total confidence in the Word of God then surely God will come and save us from whatever we are going through. We should not fear those who are troubling us because God has said Vengeance is mine. If we leave it to God in the right time God will show His vengeance and the people who were troubling us find themselves busy solving their problems and because of this they do not have any more time to trouble us.


God knows when to take right decision at the right time and save us. We have to thank God for all He has done and also for all He is going to do.


We have to understand that God will do everything in His time perfectly. He knows what He is doing; only thing we have to know is that God needs from us courage, faith, Love and patience. If we have courage, faith, Love and patience then surely God will do everything which He has promised to us through His Word. Let us offer all our enemies into the hands of God so that let Him take vengeance in His time.


Date: 17: 08: 2020.

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