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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


“Let us go forward in peace, our eyes upon heaven, the only one goal of our labors.” -Saint Therese of Lisieux.


We are all living in this world either studying or working. No matter what we are doing we have to check our final goal.


Truth is most of us are having our final goal in the world only. Students want to get successful in studies in the same way people who are working want to become successful in work. Being successful in studies and work can make us happy only when everything around us is going good and when we face adverse situations all our success seem to be forgotten and only we will be remembering the adverse situations.


We have to keep heaven as our final goal so that nothing happening around us will disturb us. We cannot keep heaven as our final goal until we put our heart and mind in the Word of God. When we put our heart and mind in the Word of God then surely our desire in the World will decrease and our desire in Kingdom of God will increase.


When our desire in kingdom of God increases we will try to do everything to please God and give up everything which displeases God and also when the entire world is disturbed because of crisis, we will be at peace because of our total confidence in God.


We have to understand that no matter what we do on this earth will all be vanity, if we do not live according to the Word of God. If we live according to the Word of God we will be successful in the world and also in the kingdom of God.


God’s Word is life and if we live according to the Word of God then surely we will be moving closer to our final destination that is heaven daily and enjoy ourselves eternally with God in heaven.

Date: 06: 08: 2020.

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