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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Mark 7:6 - ‘This people honours me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me;


In today’s world we see most of the people who are coming to church are doing prayers as they love God very much but when problems, trials or sufferings strike them, they will not hesitate to blame God for it.


We have to understand God is not interested in our lip service but He is interested in our heart completely given to Him.


In today’s world most of the people come to prayers because of some problems they are going through, that’s why they disappear from prayers once they receive solutions.


We have to examine our life and see whether we have given our heart completely to God or we have given some part of our heart to other things. Truth is most of us have a divided heart and that’s why we cannot pray with great concentration and we will be doing other things in midst of prayers. When we do not give our heart completely to the Lord then we may not get all the benefits from the Lord.


We all have to accept that we have divided heart so that we can ask help from the Lord to make it undivided. When we ask help of God in our spiritual needs God helps fast because He is interested in the conversion of our soul. More we are experiencing conversion of our soul we will be walking towards making our heart undivided so that we can give our 100% to the Lord.


God knows our struggles every day, that is why he is very patient with us and give us sufficient time to mend our ways. When we mend our ways according to His instructions which is written in His Word, we will never be the same again but we will surely become different and unique.


Let us not honour God with our lips but also with all our heart, so that we may experience the Lord personally and when we experience the Lord personally nothing happening around us will disturb us because we will have faith and confidence in the lord.


Date: 11: 08: 2020.

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