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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



If you are determined to damn your soul, do it alone: but do not cause your weak brother to perish for whom Christ died. -- Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose.


In this world where we live we find people who are believers and also people who are unbelievers, people who are careful and careless, people who are mature and immature, people who are holy and evil.


We may have people in our family, friends and community people who are unbelievers, careless, immature and evil. When we live among all these people we have to be very careful so that we may not fall in their traps.

If we are in prayer then it is our responsibility to pray for them so that they may give up what they are doing and start doing what God has called them to do.


God uses our prayer to evangelise in our homes without the other knowing about it. Once they change they will thank God for making us pray for them.


We have to understand that prayer always saves us from our sinful life and transfer us to the life of Grace Jesus has prepared for us.


We see in today’s world especially famous personalities are leading people with bad example by promoting Homosexuality, pornography, sex, drugs, alcohol, branded luxury goods and so on. People who are fans of them try to imitate them in everything they do. We have to understand that we can imitate whoever we want as we are given freewill but we have to understand that on the day of judgement if the same famous personality perishes to hell then we as their followers will also go with them.


Let us be alert always so that we may not imitate anyone living in this world but let us imitate Jesus in our life so that we may not be deceived but we will surely change for good.


Date: 30: 08: 2020.

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