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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



So it is that "the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians."– Catechism of the Catholic Church 849.


Our entire Christian community is standing strong today because of the sacrifice of all the martyrs beginning from the apostles to the saints to great people around the world.


Today people who honour all martyrs are very few and also very few people understand the value of their blood. Because of their sacrifice we can proudly say we are Christian.


In today’s world we find martyrs very rare because most of us do not even know to manage small problems, when we do not know to overcome problems then it is next to impossible to give our life for the sake of kingdom of God.


We have to understand that the blood of Jesus laid the foundation to the Church and the same zeal was spread across the world with the blood of martyrs. God chose some great personalities to become martyrs who were willing to die for the sake of Gospel.


In today’s world people are not ready to bear the pain which is the consequences for their sin, so it is not possible for them to bear pain for the sake of the kingdom of God.


Let us put our total confidence in God and His Word so that we may be able to bear any pain, suffering, trials or tribulations destined for us by God to take us on the journey of higher calling.


In today’s world God may not need martyrs like of old but He requires people who are ready to die for their selfishness so that God can use them as His servant to proclaim His message to the people around the world. In today’s world people are in want of the Word of God but there is very few to make them understand well and also to guide them in right path only because people who preach conversion of soul are very few in numbers.



Date: 23: 08: 2020.

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