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Monday, August 31, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.


God loved the world He created from the beginning but the people were in a bad habit of crying for God when in problems and forget Him when He solves their problems. This bad practice was going on from the beginning and it is very sad to see the same in today’s generations also.


God loves everyone living in the world no matter how they live. God loves the sinner as well as holy but people misunderstood God and were very stubborn and would not obey Him, because of this He sent many prophets to explain them about His commandments but more the prophets try to teach them more they rebelled against God. They killed many prophets of the lord for proclaiming the truth and others they silenced them by force and because of this God had to come up with His master plan to send His only son Jesus in human form to save people from sin.


Jesus was born in the womb of Mother Mary who was prepared by God beforehand and the moment He was born devil made plans to kill Him through Herod when He was small and through people who wanted to push him from the cliff, others who wanted to stone Him and also many others to question Him and trap Him.


At last devil succeeded by putting betrayal in the mind of Judas one of the apostle and also used High priest To proclaim His death, This happened according to God’s plan and devil didn’t have a hint of it. Without high priest saying “it is better that one man should die instead of whole nation”made God’s plan perfect to accept Jesus sacrifice and death on the cross from the hands of High priest.


Jesus suffered unbearable pain on the Cross and He fell down 3 times because of the weight of our sins which He was carrying on His shoulders. Devil after succeeded in his mission also did not keep quiet but used the thief and soldiers to taunt Him when He was on the Cross .The moment Jesus said Father into Your hands I commend my spirit and breathe His last that was the glorious moment for God and dreadful moment for the devil because devil was defeated and was bound with chain for 1000 years.


Through Jesus sacrifice on the cross we will be saved from sin and inherit eternal life. Saving is the greatest act of Jesus we can see in our life. Jesus loves us that’s why He gave His life for us.



Date: 31: 08: 2020.

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