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Friday, August 7, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Genesis 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”


We are all blessed when we bless those who are chosen by God, especially priest, nun, deacons and lay preachers and also every other person who believes in Jesus. We have to be very careful when we speak badly about them.


When we speak badly about priests or nun or deacon or lay preachers and also every other person who believes in Jesus, we have to understand that we are indirectly cursing them, when we curse them nothing good is going to happen in our life.


God has clearly said in His Word that He will bless those who bless priests or nun or deacon or lay preachers and also every other person who believes in Jesus and curse those who curse them.


We have to be very alert and careful when we join others in speaking badly about them. We have option either to stop them or to walk away from them so that we may not get curse instead of blessing.


Whatever is written in the Word of God is 100% true and we should not take it for granted and do the wrongs till the curse overtakes us instead of a blessing. We should not be surprised at the series of troubles coming towards us because of not blessing the priests or nun or deacon or lay preachers and also every other person who believes in Jesus who have Abraham’s blessing.


God is good to us all the time but we should not abuse the goodness of God by talking badly about others. We have to try and see Jesus in everyone and also understand that everyone are made in the image and likeness of God Himself.



Date: 07: 08: 2020.

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