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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


“Praise and bless my Lord, and give him thanks and serve him with great humility.” – Saint Francis of Assisi.


People in today’s generation are more interested to receive than to give that is why we find people who are living for God are few and most of them live for themselves and because of this they instead of becoming selfless they become selfish.


Because of our selfish attitude most of us, we do not want to get ourselves involved in anything concerning God and His Word, This is the main reason we find very few who preach the Word of God. God wants to use many but out of every 100 people He calls very few respond to His Call and others thinks it’s not for them and walk away.


No matter what situation we are in we have to learn to praise the Lord so that through that praise we can break the power of the enemy and be victorious. We find most of the people depressed in midst of global crisis because they have put all their confidence in creation instead of creator.


God has created us all to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him. We cannot know Him unless we read His Word and put our total confidence in it. We cannot love Him unless we know Him well through the relationship we have with Him daily. We cannot serve Him unless we love Him, only when we love God with all our heart we will be able to serve Him from all our heart.

We all were created for a definite purpose and plan by God but most of us have missed the mark by chasing our selfish desires which has no end.


Let us at least now make decision to do something for the Lord before we die so that after we die we may not regret. Let us also praise and bless God in situation which are good and also in the situations which are bad. Let us also make a firm decision to serve God in small things with great love.



Date: 12: 08: 2020.

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