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Friday, August 28, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



We must believe in no one but God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - Catechism of the Catholic Church 178.


We all are in prayers but we have to ask ourselves about whether we have built a relationship with Holy Trinity that is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.


First we must Know Him to believe Him, to know Him we must know His Word, without knowing Word of God it is not possible to know God. Truth is most of us do not know the Word of God, we do not practice reading the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation all 73 books but most of us practice shortcuts by reading Mass reading or verse of the day.


When we practice shortcuts we cannot experience God Fully but partially that is why most of us struggle when crisis comes in our life.


Our belief in God will be complete only when we stand strong with the Word of God in midst of all storms or trials or sufferings or sickness or tribulations or problems we go through.


We have to understand one thing clearly that our relationship with God will save our life when we are going through hard times or else we will fall into oppression, depression , despair and it will end in suicide.


God’s Word is the only help we have in midst of all our adverse situations. Without God’s Word it would be impossible to overcome difficult situations. We may try ourselves to solve problems but instead of making the problem better we will make it worst.


We have to believe in God 100% and in people very less because God will save us but people may deceive us and make our situation hard. Let us make a decision to believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit so that we will stand like a rock unmoved in midst of any problems.


Date: 28: 08: 2020.

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