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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Matthew 5:44 - But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you


Word of Jesus says “Love your enemies”. This word looks very easy to read but it is very difficult to practice. Without receiving from God all the strength we require, it is next to impossible to love our enemies.


We all have enemies; some have become our enemies for silly reason, some for grave reasons, No matter whatever the reason for our friends to turn as our enemies, we have to overcome the enmity through the power of God. To make enemies it just takes a moment but to turn our enemy into our friend it is a very uphill task.


Enemies come into our life to teach us lesson about love and forgiveness. If we do not learn our lessons early then surely our enemies multiply which will become hard to handle.


Our enemies are always having revenge in their mind to destroy us, if we are not alert when they accuse, we may fall trap to it. It is better for us to be silent and allow our enemies to speak about us whatever they want and we have to pray for conversion of their soul. When we pray for conversion of their soul God will touch them and slowly they start becoming our friends and favour us.


Praying for our persecutors is not the easiest thing to do because of the pain we go through in the persecution. Without receiving Jesus help it will not be possible to pray for our persecutors.


Every persecution we go through maybe from our parents or from our siblings or from our spouse or from our children or from our friends involve lots of pain which will result in anger and bitterness if we do not give it to the Lord. Once we learn to give it to the Lord daily it will be easy to overcome its pain and pray for our persecutors which will bring us great reward.


Let us from today love our enemies and pray for our persecutors daily so that we may grow strong in the Lord. Lord has allowed enemies and persecutors in our life to make us strong from emotional immaturity. With Jesus help everything is possible for us even if it is the most difficult task of our life.


Date: 01: 08: 2020.

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