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Monday, August 3, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


For it is the unfaithfulness of the members to Christ's gift which causes divisions – Catechism of the Catholic Church 821.


In today’s church we see division everywhere because of some people’s disagreement of something happening inside the church.


Catholic Church experienced great division among its members in 20th century because of sexual abuse of children by priest which is proved in some cases and still not proved in many cases. No matter what is happening inside the church instead of condemning the priest let us be united and pray for them.


We have to understand that devil is main person behind all this immorality so that through this he can shame the priest and also remove them from their vocation so that there may not be sufficient priest to say the Holy mass, to hear confession and to preside over different activities of the church.


We have to understand that even if some priests are sexually immoral we have no right to condemn them instead we have to pray for their conversion of soul. If we condemn them then there will be no difference between the Pharisees and us.


Pharisees brought the woman who was caught in the act of adultery to Jesus to condemn her and stone her to death but Jesus for their surprise does amazing thing and says to them “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.  At this all the Pharisees went their way putting their stones down because all had sins in them. In the same way God will say to us the same words which will make us stop condemning others sin and make start repenting for our sin.


If we are causing divisions inside the Catholic Church by joining other denominations or by condemning the church and priest through social media it is because of our unfaithfulness. Let us be faithful to the religion and denomination we have born into until our death. Let us become instrument of God to bring unity and peace among all our Catholic brothers and sisters instead of causing division because of our personal disagreement.


Most of our personal disagreements arise because of our lack of knowledge and it will have no impact on the Catholic Church because Catholic Church is running successfully from 2020 years and it doesn’t require our approval because it has God’s approval.


Date: 03: 08: 2020.

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