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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


“Faith lifts the soul. Hope supports it. Experience says it must. And Love says let it be!”
-Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.


In today’s world where we are all living with uncertainties because of increasing problem of virus. Such a tiny virus has ruined many people’s life, many have lost their life, many have lost their jobs and many are on the verge of losing their job.  In these difficult times if we do not cultivate the life of faith, we all may perish because of fear.


Faith is a supernatural gift from God. Faith always believes in what we want to see and not in what we see. Faith lifts our soul from falling into fear, confusion, worry, oppression and depression. Whenever we are in the verge of falling into fear because of worst situation around instead of staying there we have to switch our self to Word of God which will give us courage.


Hope is something we believe that God will do for us in coming days. We have to understand that Faith and Hope goes together. Faith cannot work without hope and hope cannot work without faith. We are all hoping something from the Lord which will be accomplished in our life through faith.


We have to understand if we do not have hope then there is nothing we can do by having faith and in the same way if we have great faith and do have any hope our faith will not work. We have to have personal experience about faith and hope so that our experience of the past will support us to go through the hardest times of the present and future and overcome it.


When we are having Love of God in our heart Faith, hope and miracles increase in our life. Without having genuine love towards others our life of faith will not flourish but after sometime will decrease.


When we have love of God we will always make time for others in midst of our busy schedule or we may walk away saying I am busy from the broken person who needs our time desperately.

Faith, hope, our personal experience and love of God in us can destroy great strongholds in our life and also God will use us to destroy others stronghold if we accept His call to do His work.



Date: 02: 08: 2020.

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