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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



God gives each one of us sufficient grace ever to know His holy will, and to do it fully. -Saint Ignatius of Loyola.


God’s Grace has come in search of all the lost ones so that they may know Him and do everything which is written in His Word.


Everyone of us are getting equal opportunity to know God but only few accept the opportunity and start learning about God.


Today’s situation of Corona virus is the classic example that God is providing sufficient Grace to everyone to know Him and through His Grace in past  few months millions of people have received the help of God and through that they are getting to know Him.


God always comes in the right time to save us but the real truth is we are not aware of it because of our focus on the problems and if we are aware we have to ask ourselves whether we have thanked Him for doing good things in our life. If we do not grab the  opportunity provided to us by God with both hands then we will be in serious danger of perishing because of believing in devils lies.


We all can give different excuses to escape from prayers but we have to understand that our excuses doesn’t work on the day of Judgement because God is going to pass judgement on us either heaven or purgatory or hell and we do not have any options to choose but have go to the place to where we have received judgement.


God is very fair in His judgement because He is God of justice and He passes judgement on rich and poor without any partiality. God’s judgement will always be fair so there is no one who can say it is wrong but we have just accept it and go to the place where we are destined.



Date: 22: 08: 2020.

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